Mac and John, 22 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Mac and John
Date: October 10, 2022
Mac and John, 22 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
Whats up with so many posts of women dating people twice or almost twice their age.
He doesn’t like spending time with you. Your needs are not invalid. He is making excuses to not meet them.
IMO you're going to have to be adamant about talking to her, maybe get her in a car ride or in a public place so that she will HAVE to listen and then proceed to tell her that you want her there but not her bf, if she gets pissed and says then she wont be there either than so be it, this is YOUR day and YOU get to choose who can come and who cannot and no one else, period.
Girl, if he’s closeted, he’s obviously not gonna be outwardly dressing in rainbows or saying “slay queen” ten times a day. You seem focused on all the wrong stuff