Manson , “FrenchHugeCock” the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Manson , “FrenchHugeCock”, 28 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Manson , “FrenchHugeCock”

Manson ,

Date: October 18, 2022

12 thoughts on “Manson , “FrenchHugeCock” the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I feel you've gotten great advice below about what to do here. To me, it doesn't seem intentional, but he certainly needs to be sternly told to try harder.

    However, if my comments seems to have some truth to it, especially because you said it begun in 2020: I would highly recommend he have a vestibular exam done. Particularly if he still seems to be having these issues when he is trying. He seems confused about it “being part of being a big guy” when it isn't. Your vestibular system should adjust so you know where you are in space, weight wouldn't impact that unless he is significantly obese.

  2. According to OP’s post history, 8 months ago she said they’d been together for 6 months. So they’ve been together slightly longer than a pregnancy. (I say slightly cuz 5 months is still pretty quick to decide to procreate; especially considering the circumstances.)

  3. It sounds like he did exactly what he said he's do: Drew a line when it became inappropriate. That's good, though he should NOT have admitted to the feelings.

    As for having the conversation… That's hard. You don't want to admit you snooped through his phone because, if he's like me, that's a huge invasion of privacy and a sign you don't trust him. But if you don't admit to it, you can't let him know what all you know. All that being said…. Just have the very hot conversation. Admit you looked through his phone, and ask him about that exchange. Don't be accusatory, just tell him you need reassurance because right now you don't know how he even really feels.

    That's how I'd get things started in your shoes, but please take that with a grain of salt.

  4. I think text could be effective since that seems to be her preferred form of communication.

    If you do it in person, I would wait for a time you plan to hang out-maybe suggest getting a bite to eat and do it that way. If she knows you might discussing issues, she might avoid the meet up.

    I would be annoyed too. I had a friendship that was similar. I am more of a meet in person type of friend too. My friend would call once or every other week but only wanted to get together like twice a year. I decided the frienship wasn't worth it. If I am that low of a priority to you then forget it.

  5. Is she a stay at home mom? I'm wondering if you are her main source of social interaction. She should still try to create other interests/ spend time with friends and not just you all the time, but it might explain it.

  6. Age is not just a number, it's years of life experience. I think the word hindsight was created from these exact types of scenarios.

  7. Glad to see this update. I'm on board with the other comments saying to send Mary a letter from a lawyer. People like that will only keep escalating their bullshit if left unchecked.

  8. They're might need video surveillance the police can get access. Even if nothing happens, you should still file a report so it's on record. Doesn't matter if he doesn't get charged, and you don't need this guy in your life.

  9. When I want to rearrange my furniture (or decide where to put new furniture when I first moved in), I got the floor map of the house and used the paint drawing program to decide where things would go.

    Or you can just manually measure the room, windows, doors and draw it by hand, then you can measure the furniture and draw it into the map on a real life scale, so that you can accurately account for every inch.

    I get why you’re frustrated, but I also get why she does it. I like to move things around, too – not every 2 days, but I like to make things a bit different once or twice a year.

    So having a go with the computer software or hand drawing a design is something that is handy and also keeps you busy. She can design it in as many different ways as she can think of, then go through the maps and pick the one she likes best after looking at all the options side by side.

  10. The only problem is I'm graduating in NY, he's getting married in Florida (although we're all based in NY)..

  11. You need to sit them down and figure out where all the money goes. If you pay them without fixing the core problem then all the money you toss at them will just evaporate.

    Tell them to do their homework.

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