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Room for online video chats MiaDowell__

MiaDowell__live sex stripping with hd cam


2 thoughts on “MiaDowell__live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. on everything dude. This sub is misogynistic af. I wonder what would happen if op switched the M and F.

  2. Again, typically abusive behaviour. The man he is when he's acting like that is his real self peeking through the veneer he placed over it in order to get you. That he has you convinced that an innocent conversation with someone who isn't him was wrong is the thing that told him that he can escalate to the next level of isolating you from people so he can abuse you more. Sorry sweetheart, but this man is just going to get worse and worse if you stay. He's starting to show you who he really is, as all abusers eventually will no matter how charming and perfect they seem when they're trying to dig their claws in – and they have to be convincing with it or they'd never get to the point where they can start controlling and openly abusing you.

    Getting out is the only thing you can do, when someone shows you who they really are believe them

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