MIAH , ❤️ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


MIAH , ❤️, 21 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms MIAH , ❤️

MIAH , ❤️ on-line sex chat

Date: October 16, 2022

33 thoughts on “MIAH , ❤️ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I feel like he feels ashamed to show you his grades, he does trust you but he probably thinks you'll think less of him if you saw his grades, try helping him improve his grade if you want or talk to him about as his girlfriend he can trust you not to judge and support him

  2. I think he spends for than that a year I think like 50k + a month. Rich people have problems too and yes I’m on Reddit because my therapist session wasn’t enough venting. I’m new here how do I post pics?

  3. I also think i should tell him that his jokes about my food were the same way. Not to fight back but for him to realize. Specially because tortillas and their combinations have an historical meaning in my culture. So i will let him know that even tho I’m not hurt, if he thought i was racist then his jokes have the same implications so we should stop joking about it. I think the only way will be to avoid joking about our cultural differences.

  4. I'm not pretty enough to have a lot of Tinder matches though and guys in real life don't really pay that much attention to me.

    I also work on-line all day and don't have lots of chances to meet people.

    Coupled with that, I'm also extremely picky about guys and this guy was “not hideous” and also tall which was what I'm desperately searching to find.

    I'm kind of ashamed of myself in hindsight. also here is the full story if you're interested. this guy tracked me down on IG so I took it as interest but really I should have known it probably meant other girls were saying no

    A man took me out on a “date”. He had invited me. I was really excited, blew off a work project, got new heels, a dress, and was excited to be wined and dined. I really did put in a lot of time, money, and energy trying to impress him and be good company.

    I didn't ask him about whether he was paying and expected him to pay since he asked me out. When the bill came, he just gave me a blank stare. I asked him if he was taking care of it and he just said “No”.

    I got visibly upset and he started bragging about other women that wanted him, then threatened to get up and leave if I didn't pay when I started crying. I panicked about being left with the whole bill. I also was honestly extremely insulted because I had invested a lot getting ready to impress him and was excited to see this guy, and this felt like a massive smack in the face.

    He said we could split it and we both put in our cards. Turns out, he had actually LOCKED his card. The waitress came back and said “I'm really sorry, his card didn't work” and she told me my card got charged for BOTH meals.

    Wanting to be “nice”, I didn't complain, I just said that's okay and signed the check, but I'm wondering if this was my legal obligation. Can I complain to the restaurant?

    I feel as though it was not fair he bullied me into paying for him and I got screwed over for trying to be a good person and pay my share out of respect for the restaurant, even though it was a date HE asked me on. But then the restaurant charged me for BOTH meals because this guy locked his card.

    The guy also seemed very, very pleased with himself that he didn't need to pay and wouldn't leave a tip either, so I had to put down the little cash I had (20) too. It was 100 for both plus tip and this guy refused to pay anything and bullied me into paying for him by locking his card. I'm not sure what else I could have done and feel really bad about the whole thing. Could I have asked to only pay for myself?

    ALSO: since my house was down the street from the restaurant, I stupidly let him talk me into “walking me home” and then when we got to my door, he said he had to use the bathroom so I stupidly let him inside. He then took his shoes off and tried to stay, and I had to kick him out. Thankfully my 30 year old roommate was there, so the guy sheepishly left when he realized another man was in the house, but I'm worried something terrible could have happened. I'm kind of shocked at my naivety looking back. Could he have bullied me into segs too if my roommate wasn't there?

    TLDR: Guy bullied me into paying and I was really really shocked and unsure how to handle it. How do I avoid this happening again? my mom said it would have been rude to ask upfront if he was paying and i wasted my time and feel terrible and traumatized. I also feel as thought I was unintelligent, thoughts? i feel so “soft” and foolish for crying, letting him bully me, and paying the WHOLE bill for this privilege. plenty of women are saying i'm really dumb and they would have just walked out.

    Update: He texted me a week after this ordeal, says he was really excited to get to know me, he “doesn't see not paying as undervaluing me at all”, he wishes we could have kissed, and really wants to meet again. In this case, should I ask him to send me the cash back or just ignore him?

  5. Honestly, I think you should just leave if that's not what you want. She's soft launching a break up which means she's unsure if she wants the break up at this point. Give her the breakup that she's unsure about and one way or another she'll have clarity. You'll either get the breakup you need or the relationship you want.

  6. Tell her that you don’t feel comfortable being the keeper of this secret for her. She needs to tell him, and you’ll give her 3 days (or whatever time you feel comfortable with) to figure out a way to let him know, and if she doesn’t you feel morally obligated to tell him.

  7. If she doesn’t see herself moving back and you can’t handle not moving back then no, you two should not get married. I think you’d have a hard time getting someone who really enjoys the culture and/or weather of Seattle/the PNW to move to most (not all) places in Texas imho. Especially with the current political climate for women. If nothing else, I know I could never move there purely because of the weather but many people would feel the same way about the PNW as well. It’s sucks but you should treat this as her forever opinion and not marry her hoping it will change.

  8. u/myseelf20, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. This is not some random strange creep sliding into her dms, it’s a colleague. If you didn’t already know, reporting him to management or HR could very realistically result in her being fired. That’s why it’s tolerated so much, not because we enjoy the attention like some dudes love to fucking claim. She’s stuck between a rock and a naked place and you’re not helping at all.

  10. So what is the problem? How is she being horrible to your girlfriend if this is your only communication?

  11. Therapy therapy therapy. You’re both panicking, and that’s not a good time to make big life decisions. It probably seems hopeless at the moment but it’s really amazing what a good therapist can achieve. They can find ways to take this pressure off and step back and consider new strategies. With time and patience (and therapy) I really think there are possibilities.

    You came from two very different directions, you’ve both built up unrealistic expectations. She’s had to turn her libido right down, it’s not surprising it switched off. Just remember that in the history of human marriage, the vast majority took more than 6 months to find their sexual groove.

  12. Divorce. She doesn't win if she gets to keep a heartless cheater and you get to start fresh. He already tried to spoil your life by ending your career. Its not too late to become an independant single woman. As a single woman statisticly you will live! londer and be happier.

    Do you want to be seen as the clinging ex begging him to quit his job to get away from her and hoping there isn't another mistress in waiting at the next job? The guy has no SHAME and will cheat again and the marriage will still fail.. eventually

    Any man who genuinly and regretfully accidently fell in love with a co-worker would not drag his wife to a work event where everyone knew and could easily tell her. He does not give a shit about you and your humiliation and was happy to let his mistress laugh in your face.

    Better to be the ex-wife who cut him off the day she found out and took him for every penny and then lived her best SINGLE life imo.

  13. Is this another tiktok trend? Trying to see how the boyfriend reacts to the princess demands? Either way, she sounds immature and like a pain to be around. Decide if you want to be dealing with that nonsense. I know I sure wouldn’t.

  14. Surprise him with a breakup.

    He's intentionally disrespecting you and taking away your ability to make choices about your own life.

  15. The ER didn't report the bite to animal control? I know they are required to report in my state, then the dog is held for around 10 days incase it has rabies after that the owner has the opportunity to get the dog back otherwise it will be reevaluated for aggressive behavior and either put down or placed for adoption.

  16. She’s either playing games with you or she’s probing for boundaries as she’s already decided to screw around with this guy. Either way it’s time to check out.

  17. Do you seriously think that your friends asking you to send your girlfriend's private pictures behind her back isn't a reason to break up?

  18. I cannot say this loudly enough – do not prioritize this or any other romantic relationship over your education. If you have the opportunity to secure your future independence do not compromise that, it's the single most important thing you can do.

  19. This is the best advice in this thread. I am baffled by how many people here think OP needed to tell the father more than once.

  20. The surgery is over, so you should be fine if you're home! Your mouth isn't broken. /s

    Moron thinks that you should be 100% perfectly healed in 2 days, but is probably the kind that whines for days when he has a cold.

  21. I’m really glad to hear your wall is up. It’s never okay for someone to yell at you. Never. And you’re happy. Be grateful for what he meant to you and the lessons that you have learned. Don’t go backwards.

  22. This boyfriend was practically chaining OP to a radiator to prevent her from getting more tattoos done. SO controlling to say “i don’t like X and it would affect my attraction to a partner if they did X”. It’s practically holding OP hostage against their will at gunpoint!!! OMIGOD!!!! /s

    Seriously? People can have limits on what they find attractive. OPs boyfriend isn’t being controlling or saying what they will “allow”. OP even states that the boyfriend said it’s her body and he won’t say what she can and can’t do. Just that he doesn’t like tattoos.

    The two don’t seem compatible and should break up. That’s fine. But the boyfriend isn’t being a monster here, calm down.

  23. If your boyfriend has a medical problem preventing him from having intercourse and then had a medical procedure done to either ease or eliminate those symptoms, then why isn't he keeping you involved and up-to-date by himself?

    What does it actually mean when your boiyfriend says you can “soon” engage in actual intercourse? What does his doctors say exactly? What is the actual prognosis?

    Aside from the physical aspect of it all, there is also an emotional aspect involved. What have you and your boyfriend talked about regarding that?

    It's all very understandable that you're struggling with the lack of intimacy after such a long time, but if the long-term viablity of your relationship is basically based on the idea that you will eventually get to have a normal sex life, then there's just no way around talking about these things.

  24. You are crazy going over to spend time for your birthday with someone who should honestly be your ex.

    He lies to you freely. He doesn't care that he is to you. He is okay with it.

    even if he isn't sleeping with said ex, he relies on her emotionally. Not you.

    You stalk his location because you can't trust him. You can't have a positive relationship with someone you can't trust something simple as him saying, “I'm heading home.”

    he's wasted all the chances you've given him, and doesn't change. When someone doesn't change you cut your losses.

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