An apology is never going to take away the fact that he threatened to assault you for not risking your safety to fetch his money, that he very stupidly kept in the kitchen. So, he's an abusive, selfish, idiot. No salvaging that, in my opinion.
Well if you want to be a respectable, decent human, you tell Chris what you did, and he can decide how to handle his own feelings. Then you take some time off the dating world for awhile and work on yourself. I, too, at one point in life was so insecure and scared to be alone. I always had a bf. Now I've been single for a couple yrs and it's been great. I enjoy being alone. I found some hobbies, made new friends, it forced me to get out of my comfort zone which needed to happen in order for me to grow. And I did. You can too. But your insecurity is breeding toxic habits that are already affecting other people. Stop that shit.
Love yourself more.
I appreciate this message a lot, it was too kind. Good advice in here, some new things to think about, thank you.
Omfg! It makes me so angry that ppl are so in denial that they're complete hypocrites
So given all I’ve mentioned to you?
An apology is never going to take away the fact that he threatened to assault you for not risking your safety to fetch his money, that he very stupidly kept in the kitchen. So, he's an abusive, selfish, idiot. No salvaging that, in my opinion.
Have new activities. You will meet new people.. And she will think, ” he has a good life while I must still bang random guys to feel alive. “
Well if you want to be a respectable, decent human, you tell Chris what you did, and he can decide how to handle his own feelings. Then you take some time off the dating world for awhile and work on yourself. I, too, at one point in life was so insecure and scared to be alone. I always had a bf. Now I've been single for a couple yrs and it's been great. I enjoy being alone. I found some hobbies, made new friends, it forced me to get out of my comfort zone which needed to happen in order for me to grow. And I did. You can too. But your insecurity is breeding toxic habits that are already affecting other people. Stop that shit.