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9 thoughts on “missmaya2022live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Honestly it doesn’t matter. Focus on the present, if he’s as good of a boyfriend as you say he obviously loves you and that’s what matters.

  2. Your boyfriend is a jerk. He isn’t concerned for your health over 12 pounds. Your depression is a much greater risk for you than 12 lbs. my advice is to drop the boyfriend. You’ll lose a solid 150-200 pounds that way.

  3. Our relationship has never been stable

    after we discovered she was pregnant there has been pressure from everyone to get married

    Who is “everyone” and why do any of them matter? Do you really think it's a good idea to let other people make arguably the biggest decision of your life? How do you think it will end to marry someone you don't want to marry, with whom you are in an unstable relationship, under protest?

    C'mon, man. This one is pretty clear. Just be a good co-parent and be there for your kid. Don't marry someone you don't want to marry.

  4. Conjecture on your part. She posted, not him and can only answer on the information she gave.

    You seem to have created a whole back story of your own here.

  5. This isn’t a “small” thing. It’s several big things:

    he’s disrespecting you yourself by calling you names and being purposefully derogatory towards you

    he’s repeatedly ignoring your requests for him to stop, showing he cares more about what he wants than how he’s making you feel

    he’s downright stomped on a boundary you have set

    This is absolutely not appropriate behaviour for anyone (can you imagine how you would respond if you overheard him say these things to anyone else?), and is certainly unacceptable from the person who is supposed to love and respect you above all others.

    Spouses (and boyfriends) should treat each other better than they do strangers. They are meant to be your safe harbour, not the place where you get emotionally beat up.

    This is a really good opportunity for you to choose you over him. To say the next time he wants to get together “no, I don’t think so. Our goals for this relationship are no longer aligned. You have chosen to keep disrespecting me, and I’m not interested in being with someone who doesn’t understand how to respect others. It’s time for this relationship to end.”

    Choose you.

  6. I don't know why you are counting paragraphs where she talks about herself. Of course she does, the problem is hers, which she fully admits. Her son isn't the one with the problem.

    Also, if they were truly happy where they were like they said, they wouldn't be moving because he “likes the city and likes where they are”. That's exactly why OP called them excuses and not reasons, because they turned out to be false. Probably the real reason is that he simply doesn't want to live! anywhere near his parents for whatever reason, which is valid but he should own it.

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