I would use the “5 why's” technique. Basically, don't interject your opinion, echo her statement, paraphrase the question in different ways, like “I understand that you feel that babies shouldn't be separated from their mothers. What about the separation feel cruel?” Usually within 5 iterations of this, most people are able to recognize that they are being nonsensical. She's got to be the one to recognize her hangups.
Honestly, it feels like she's dealing with post partum depression. Have you thought about working with a doula? Often times, a doctor or a clinical settings can be overwhelming and feel threatening. A doula might be a better option. They are experienced birthing counselors that assist with during and post birth. They tend to be less intimidating and might offer your wife a more nurturing setting.
We have never really gotten along we are very different people but make it work but he was in an unfortunate situation at the start of Covid before anyone knew Covid was a thing and he lost his housing so he stayed with us in our 2 bedroom condo and I happened to get really sick and was stuck quarantined and he was on FaceTime with his friends putting the camera on me saying this is what Covid looks like in the flesh and he brought his ps onto the living room tv and would play his games and just ignore me and leave the place filthy leaving dishes to the point of moulding, not respecting our house. He left and never bothered to change his sheets and left cum on his sheets and I had to clean it up. We have only gone downhill from there with our relationship.
She unblocked you, and may have looked at your reel on purpose or accidentally. She may just be curious or something more. Don’t get your hopes up and put a bunch of pressure on yourself, but not all is lost.
It seems like you two ended on good terms, so there’s no harm in saying hello and seeing how she’s doing and what she’s been up to. You won’t know her intentions if any unless you ask.
You don't have a choice. Would you really want to live the rest of your life as a lie if this guy turns out to be The One! Even if the brother managed to keep it quiet? Tell him immediately.
You'll always have that when doubt strikes, but there has to be a time where your faith takes over. You need to allow the positives to win should you want your relationship to flourish. I hope things work out well for you.
Your gf cheated on her ex with you and you still trusted her? That's like winning a shit pie in a cly eating contest. And she has the nerve to lie to you about her emotional cheating? Why do you want to be with this person?
No this isn’t normal and the way he has done this is not ok. He has made you think that showing you love him is doing sexual acts even if you aren’t into it yourself. This is manipulation and sexual coercion. He’s taking advantage of you. Your brain is trying to tell you it’s not normal.
Remember this rule. If you have to ask if it’s normal it’s most likely not and it must be stopped.
Love my children dearly, and my relationship with my wife is strong. But that’s because we both put in a ton of effort, and it’s despite having kids, not because of it.
So easy to just be coparents when you’re both exhausted and have so little free time taking a shit without a tiny human involved feels like a win.
they dont call them gentle giants for nothing… op run
I would use the “5 why's” technique. Basically, don't interject your opinion, echo her statement, paraphrase the question in different ways, like “I understand that you feel that babies shouldn't be separated from their mothers. What about the separation feel cruel?” Usually within 5 iterations of this, most people are able to recognize that they are being nonsensical. She's got to be the one to recognize her hangups.
Honestly, it feels like she's dealing with post partum depression. Have you thought about working with a doula? Often times, a doctor or a clinical settings can be overwhelming and feel threatening. A doula might be a better option. They are experienced birthing counselors that assist with during and post birth. They tend to be less intimidating and might offer your wife a more nurturing setting.
We have never really gotten along we are very different people but make it work but he was in an unfortunate situation at the start of Covid before anyone knew Covid was a thing and he lost his housing so he stayed with us in our 2 bedroom condo and I happened to get really sick and was stuck quarantined and he was on FaceTime with his friends putting the camera on me saying this is what Covid looks like in the flesh and he brought his ps onto the living room tv and would play his games and just ignore me and leave the place filthy leaving dishes to the point of moulding, not respecting our house. He left and never bothered to change his sheets and left cum on his sheets and I had to clean it up. We have only gone downhill from there with our relationship.
She unblocked you, and may have looked at your reel on purpose or accidentally. She may just be curious or something more. Don’t get your hopes up and put a bunch of pressure on yourself, but not all is lost.
It seems like you two ended on good terms, so there’s no harm in saying hello and seeing how she’s doing and what she’s been up to. You won’t know her intentions if any unless you ask.
You don't have a choice. Would you really want to live the rest of your life as a lie if this guy turns out to be The One! Even if the brother managed to keep it quiet? Tell him immediately.
You'll always have that when doubt strikes, but there has to be a time where your faith takes over. You need to allow the positives to win should you want your relationship to flourish. I hope things work out well for you.
Your gf cheated on her ex with you and you still trusted her? That's like winning a shit pie in a cly eating contest. And she has the nerve to lie to you about her emotional cheating? Why do you want to be with this person?
No this isn’t normal and the way he has done this is not ok. He has made you think that showing you love him is doing sexual acts even if you aren’t into it yourself. This is manipulation and sexual coercion. He’s taking advantage of you. Your brain is trying to tell you it’s not normal.
Remember this rule. If you have to ask if it’s normal it’s most likely not and it must be stopped.
I don’t even know where that myth came from.
Love my children dearly, and my relationship with my wife is strong. But that’s because we both put in a ton of effort, and it’s despite having kids, not because of it.
So easy to just be coparents when you’re both exhausted and have so little free time taking a shit without a tiny human involved feels like a win.