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16 thoughts on “Mohini_420live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I have personally done this after meeting a woman I was truly interested in because I wanted to have all my focus on seeing where things went with her can always create another account

  2. Whether or not its an entirely healthy response depends on quite what he means by it, i.e. what you were talking about.

    I'd been raised by Boomers who didn't want me to be Nixon, basically, telling me “just be honest, just be yourself, just do the right thing” as though all of those were exactly the same. I had to be told as an adult (in therapy) about “circles of trust” because I was lonely, basically, and my one move was to run up to anyone who would give me the time of day and start telling them my life story. To me, there was just the truth, which I supposedly knew because I supposedly looked for it, and I just had to open my mouth and start telling it. The idea that I should have a “filter” at all didn't really occur to me (outside of talking about, like, going to the bathroom or talking about sex or something–things I recognized as explicitly private.)

    The little diagram of “circles of trust” my therapist showed me has yourself in the middle, and you draw a circle around that, and then there's a longtime partner or spouse, maybe a parent or a sibling or close friend, and you draw a circle around that, and then there's just regular friends and a close coworker or something and you draw a circle around that, and there's acquaintances and normal coworkers, you draw a circle around that it's like strangers and maybe you don't have to draw a circle around that anymore because there's no one you trust less than someone you've never met before.

    The thing I'm saying is this is probably an oversimplification in that it's probably not that static–people move in and out of your circles of trust depending on what you're talking about. There might be things you'd talk to even a regular coworker about that you wouldn't tell your partner or spouse–“trade secrets” and the like.

    And there are things you'd tell a friend but not a partner, e.g. if you're attracted to someone else, you're thinking about your ex, etc. I suppose if it's a man/woman thing, someone might have, like, “girly” things they talk about with their female friends that they wouldn't talk about with their boyfriend. Maybe if your boyfriend liked a more serious, “grown up,” even somewhat formal and business-like tone to his romantic relationship, I could see that–saying things that are more straight-ahead funny and fun and silly are things to talk about with a friend, maybe. I'm not saying it's for everyone–I'm just saying I could see someone saying that.

    My over-arching point is it's generally not the thing to do to try to look for times to just open your mouth and let whatever's on your mind fall out–you've always got to, like, “consider your audience” or whatever, stuff from English class in school. “The Rhetorical Triangle” and things.

  3. I’ve been married to my husband for three years and we’ve been together for ten (we started dating at your age). Personally, I see a lot of concerning behavior described in your post that you should not gloss over.

    Opening up about traumatic experiences you’ve had (which you are actively working to overcome) is a normal part of any new, serious relationship. Your girlfriend being dismissive of your feelings and critical of the way you expressed yourself, in my experience, is abnormal. Additionally, saying that all of her past relationships have blamed her, found her to be in the wrong, or the bad guy without doing any sort of soul searching on her part is a red flag the size of a California king size quilt. People are able to hide their true selves much easier when you are in a long distance relationship and you might have gotten a sneak peek at who you’re actually with.

    Reddit is so quick to give the advice to break up as soon as there are any kind of waves. However, you both are young and this is a fledgling relationship where you should be having fun; this phase is supposed to be the easiest it will ever be. Relationships are hot and you have shown that you are mature enough to process the lemons life has already thrown at you. Her reactions and words are indicating that she might not be emotionally ready to navigate the ups and downs that come with sharing a life with another person.

    As I said, you both are so young and there’s a chance that you can help her grow and learn to be more compassionate and introspective person. I know my husband and I help each other continuously grow together in beautiful ways. Although if you do choose to move on from this, you need to be aware that this might be a problem later down the line. MayaAngelou famously said: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

  4. While I agree ultimatums are bad, do you think a court would give a man full or primary custody of a newborn? It would take a real slam dunk argument for that and from his several posts he doesn’t have one

  5. I dont, and Ive done it 5 time in last decade and have 2 great friends from that, one of wich is getting married soon.

  6. She is 3!!!! THREE! What? Its not like she is independent enough, she is T H R E E

    If I needed to add something else I would ask why you feel that you are entitled to his time more than his own child

  7. Your responses make me see it very differently thank you so much. I think maybe I am insecure and I don’t want to tell myself that? I guess that’s the hardest part is admitting it. I think i’m gonna sit on it for a couple days and maybe act normal. I know that sounds awful but I don’t see her for a few days now so I guess it’s better to put up a fake front atm than lash out too early.

  8. You don't know he won't leave you. You have now opened the door to allowing other people into your relationship.

    Why are you doing this to your self? Your husband behavior is absolutely appalling. He has already pushed the boundaries you had put in place with on-line chatting.

    I would consider what he is doing cheating.

    You are making a massive mistake letting this visit happen. You are going to feel absolutely awful and once you do it won't be able to be taken back.

  9. I would not be alone with him again, frankly. Pregnancy is the most dangerous time for a woman and if he’s going down this route it sounds like he’s becoming a bit radicalized by it – if he was already dipping a toe in that shit, this would push him past that for sure, and if there is one thing that predicts violence against women it’s misogynistic views and if there’s another thing, it’s pregnancy.

    Please protect yourself.

  10. This. OP listen up. This isn’t about you AT ALL. This is your friend at her worst being shallow and superficial trying to mimic the dream wedding she saw on Pinterest. ?? ?.

    Those people won’t be her real friends after the wedding. And you probably shouldn’t be either.

  11. just realised that the format was maybe not a good idea. i tried to tell what happened in chronological order. and i enjoy literature. it‘s not made up but oh do I wish it was.

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