Moly , ღ ღ the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Moly , ღ ღ, 18 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Moly , ღ ღ

Moly , ღ ღ on-line sex chat

Date: October 18, 2022

26 thoughts on “Moly , ღ ღ the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I feel like they might work in a bar?? It's the only way it make sense. And to have worked in bars, they're 100% fucking.

  2. I’m not. Based of his reactions… he does not seem hurt at the possibility that this “baby” was fathered by someone else. He is adamant that it was born at 4 months and he is the father. Fake fake fake fake fake

  3. Maybe she’s growing up and realising getting with a lying cheat when she was a naive teenager, who acted like a baby and wouldn’t man up and help her when she got pregnant is not the person she wants to be with now so she’s rebelling against what you did.

    You should break up, you’re becoming bad for each other.

  4. Then you have your answer.

    Humans are not these incredibly mysterious animals.

    In your case you either have Trust….or at least the beginnings know as

    “benefit of the doubt” or you don't

    No Trust = No Relationship.

    Its just that easy.

  5. u/val8al, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  6. Oh I talked to her in that way. These days. We don’t talk about it from the standpoint of love languages but we both mentioned it. We had a long discussion yesterday and the reason I turned to you guys was that I felt frustrated. She gets defensive and somehow ends up the victim. I am clear to her. I feel unloved. I need something. Just a simple hug in the morning. She feels attacked and I say how can you get angry? It is of course some sort of coping mechanism to protect her from getting criticism. I am not angry though, she ends up walking away angry and victimized. I turn to Reddit and here we are.

  7. Bbl is literally the most dangerous plastic surgery. You need to gain weight if you want to have any chance of it being effective and they look so fake on small body types. Looking at your history and how young you are you need to break up with this pathetic excuse of a partner. You need someone who is lifting you up. Please don’t do this because you’re being put down by a gross dude.

  8. Holy shit you are being a horrible sibling and person to her in this story. Move on and leave your poor sister alone. Quit being so ignorant and bigoted.

  9. Hm, while I do think your wife’s stance that watching porn is “cheating” is pretty ridiculous, she did warn you that she’d be like this from the beginning…. I think you guys need to have a serious discussion as to why this is a boundary for her, and if you can’t swallow the fact that she will always be controlling your viewing habits and you can’t watch porn for the rest of your life, maybe a split is best.

  10. You're either going to get out of this marriage (experience a tough year or 2 but it will get better after that) or you're going to be depressed to the point of being suicidal for the rest of your life (which may be tragically short).

    Choose your pain.

  11. When someone shows you their true colors always believe it. He clearly showed that he can’t be supportive ever. And he has also showed that he is can gaslight you by turning the tables on why “you are distant” even though it was clearly his actions 5 minutes prior.

  12. Mate…you are 19 FFS. You will not recognise yourself at 25, 35, 45 etc.

    Do NOT throw away your potential career on the alter of young infatuation.

  13. After years of your husband putting someone else first? Girl, no – eventually you need to take a stand.

  14. If he’s never had to worry about money and never will, you might need to teach him why his frustration is insensitive and divorced from most people’s reality.

    Maybe it would help to go through your budget with him, and share how you limit your spending and why.

  15. No problem! But make sure you stand up for yourself. This is a serious issue for you, and it's clearly affecting your self-esteem (as it would for anybody!). That's enough reason to do what needs to be done to get to the bottom of it.

  16. do y’all consider this to be an acceptable or understandable reaction from a twenty year old man?

    The fact that you're even on here seriously asking this question makes me concerned for you. Of course it isn't.

    he replied that this is why men don’t show emotions because they just get “shit on” when they do

    Men show their emotions all the time, but too often through violence and intimidation. Only an idiot thinks that men don't experience of express emotions, but the reality is that many men don't have the means or desire to express those emotions in a healthy way (your BF for example).

    Throwing a tantrum (in a car no less) is not only unhealthy, it's childish and expecting your adult BF to act like and express himself and an adult way is a pretty low bar to clear and he can't even seem to do that.

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