My (22F) boyfriend (24M) is a “passport bro” and I had no idea


I’ve been with my boyfriend for 8 months. Things have been going really well between us up until a few days ago

A little backstory:

I’m from a Central European country and he’s American. He said he settled in my country because of work opportunities. We met in a coffee house where I work as a barista. We clicked instantly and started going out a few weeks later. Everything was so good and we had so much fun

Fast forward to last week: he asked me to help him with some documentation. I was happy to as I know my language is hot to understand and even translate sometimes. When I was searching online on his laptop I stumbled upon some weird websites. They were all about “passport bros” (I didn’t even know what the hell that was at first) and basically had tips on how to settle in foreign countries, where to find a “traditional bride”, which country has the most beautiful women etc. I was shocked and so confused

I know I shouldn’t have done it but I wanted to gain some clarity and checked his profile on one of these websites. He had full on conversations about Eastern European countries, European women, how easy or very hot it is to take them out on dates, if it would be better to settle down in Asia instead and so on. He decided to settle down in my country

I feel dehumanized and like he fetishized me and the women from my country. Also, our whole relationship has been built on a lie because he told me he settled down here because he got a job offer

After I found all this stuff I quickly took a few pictures as proof and then made up an excuse to come home. He tried to reach out a few times but I told him I don’t feel well so I can’t meet up right now. I can’t even look at him. I feel so disgusted. Am I overreacting?

How can I confront him about all this?

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Date: January 10, 2024

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