My (38M) girlfriend (31F) wants to return to abstinence after 1 year as a sexually active couple and we just bought our first home together


My GF and I recently bought a new apartment together. We wanted to move in together and the rental market is unstable right now so it seemed like a good investment in our shared future. We have been together for around a year and have been discussing marriage for a while.

We've had some relationship issues recently, largely caused by my negative attitude. Not least, I found the whole home buying process stressful and didn't handle it too well.

She told me she was religious when we first met and had abstained from sex prior to her first marriage. She was coming to the end of the divorce process when we got together and had stopped going to church at that point. Our sex life and intimacy was always great and while I knew she still held her religious beliefs, they never got in the way of our relationship.

We met over the weekend and I helped her move her things in and then on Sunday night she told me she wants to reconnect with her faith and that would mean abstaining from sex with me until we're married. For various reasons she also told me she doesn't feel ready to marry me right now and wouldn't be able to marry me until next year at the earliest. She has told me I'm welcome to pursue FWB arrangements or seek “professional help” elsewhere during this period while we still retain the relationship and live! and share a bed together but that's not what I want. She is also offering to buy my share of the home if I prefer to just leave and we can go out separate ways?

Any advice? This has totally come out of left field and I have no idea what to do. I love her deeply and want to be with her but I don't know if I should just take this as a sign and move on with my life.

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Date: February 23, 2023

5 thoughts on “My (38M) girlfriend (31F) wants to return to abstinence after 1 year as a sexually active couple and we just bought our first home together

  1. Hi I do apologise no me and my kids got removed because she was being domestic violence towards me infort off our kids I have the kids at my mum and dads with me and no she is doing drugs and these guys or random off the street but she as cheaters on me befor

  2. You seem to be mad at your sister for ruining the potential to have a relationship with that guy, but can't understand why she is mad at you for the same? You causef all this drama. The guy doesn't want you, so all you could do is try and not pursue him further to save at leats one relationship. You want both. You can't have it. All parties made that clear. Also, how does gicing your number out for emergencies end in flirting? You know what you did was wrong, but don't want to deal with the consequences.

  3. Oh and it gets better, buddy posted and removed on AITA about snapping at this poor women for not wanting to pack his suitcase. He deleted the post but kept the comments, same stuff about his mom taking care of him and doesn't under why it's a problem.

  4. Thank you for the kind words and advice I gotta accept everything that has happened up to now Wether I like it or not and thank you I'll do all those things and good luck to you as well

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