MY NAME LESLEY, ♥ the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


MY NAME LESLEY, ♥, 18 y.o.


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MY NAME LESLEY, ♥ online sex chat

Date: October 24, 2022

31 thoughts on “MY NAME LESLEY, ♥ the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. If some one approached my husband and said your wife is cheating

    That's not what happened here, though. It's not like a stranger on the street blurted this out. His GF's friend's ex gave him specific details about an instance of cheating where he was definitely present and OP was definitely not.

    If something similar happened to me, I'd at least approach her with the info and gauge her reaction.

    Like, I trust my wife to the fullest extent possible. But to have complete faith that she (or anyone on Earth) is incapable of cheating is just foolish. I currently perceive the odds to be very, very, very slim, but information like this would change that perception and it'd be stupid of me to NOT seek reassurance from her at that point.

  2. For most people sex is a very big part of a relationship, while it shouldnt be all there is, there is the binding and intimacy it brings. Most people do desire that when being a couple.

    And now, if you dont know how you feel about him maybe leaving because YOU dont want to have sex with him anymore, imagine how he feels being told you dont want sex with him anymore. His feelings are just as valid as yours.

    Did you really think he would just jump up and down with joy? Imagine if he said “I want to stay with you but I dont love you anymore”. Im sure you'd be fine with that? Maybe having any emotional commitment isnt high on his list in a relationship before marriage. If you've decided to become asexual and he isn't, he is free to decide what he wants from your relationship too.

  3. Thinking of me as a survivor has helped me a lot for the last months… I made the same mistakes… But I hope that today is the end of all of that.

    Later this week, I have an appointment to file a report, and the police has kicked him out this morning.

  4. The break up of high school groups isn't just common. It's the norm. You're at an age where everyone is growing and changing rapidly. It's also true that those of us lucky enough to go away to college can have trouble relating to people who are still stuck at home.

    The solution is treat people as individuals, not part of a group that's already dissolved. See who you want and if any of the others try to get together, be honest. Just say you have limited time at home and can't see everyone. If you need to be more direct, “We're growing in different directions. College has changed me for the better”. (sounds rude, but it isn't).

    Above all don't let it turn into a long winded convo. Be polite, but distant and don't engage if they start to argue or whine.

  5. Maybe she was embarrassed, and thinks masturbation should be done in privacy when no one is looking. You probably scared her by asking her how was her orgasm. Just try to talk to her like adults, her without the gaslighting, and you with getting angry over her embarrassment.

  6. It’s too late. Especially with his reaction I doubt you can fix it because he is going to hold that over your head no matter what now.

  7. just be yourself.

    Did you really just write that? I think I threw up in my mouth a little. Oh lord no.

    Look, just don't do that again.

  8. Once a cheater always a cheater in my eyes… Someone could feel like they missed out but a good person wouldn’t cheat on you for that!! I’m in my later 20s, with bf for 10 years, and have never been with anyone else. I have never and would never cheat! It’s really not an excuse. She is immature and not worth your time.

  9. Do you actually enjoy being friends with these people or are you telling yourself that you're supposed to have friendships to be a good person?

  10. My mom also lost her place in an aunt's will when she passed. Her uncle (aunt's brother) swooped in and changed everything, staring it was what god and the aunt wanted within a week of her passing. Ohio courts also ruled in his favor. And he had the audacity to be upset with her after being taken off the Christmas card list.

  11. His “3 days a week” is 36 hours of a physically demanding job . 4 hours shy of the 8 hour 5 day weeks many many people work .

  12. Even if what she did is fine and normal, it's clearly affected you enough to taint how you see her and feel about her. I think it would be unfair for you both to try and force it to continue if you're really feeling so ill at ease with her.

    I have worked with my hands my whole life and carry a knife at all times, often fairly large knives. My first time at the GFs house (second date) I took my wallet, keys, and knife out of my pocket and put on the side table to get more comfortable. But I didn't make a thing out of it and it's no worry.

    I could see people from cultures where any tool like that being carried is seen as taboo, having a hot time seeing it though

  13. This may not be your style, but…

    If I were you I would up the ante. Have a “clown wife” in full regalia waiting at the entrance. IF he shows up in his “funny clown outfit” you will be prepared: his new clown wife has already been hired to take him on a special clown date, which is decidedly not your wedding.

    Should he get uppity and insist on entry to the wedding (which seems likely), have strict bouncers in place.

  14. Has he been 'blackmailing' you in writing? Like over text or email or chat?

    You do not have to leave your job and you do not have to give in to his bullying. Go to HR, your supervisor or you manager and explain what is happening. That you two have broken up, you want to continue working there and have no issues with doing so but that he is threatening you/ blackmailing you/ bullying you into quitting and you want him to stop. They'll take care of it for you.

  15. Honestly this doesn't sounds liker a relationship that is going to last. 5 months in should still be the honeymoon phase.

  16. You know blackmail is a crime right? Who's going t9 randomly blackmail you and your gf because of an old porn video somewhere? How valuable could that be?

  17. Leave him. The boob thing was bad enough, but the fact he's showing off pictures of your sister and trying to pretend she's you to his coworkers is just… Pathetic.

  18. Ok, I just wanna say that brown eyes are literally my favorite eye color. They're so beautiful. They're often incredibly soft and have a way of giving people a very gentle and ethereal gaze. I love them so much. Frequency has very little to do with how desirable they are because they're usually very pretty.

    Your bf is being an ass. Blue eyes aren't my fave (despite the fact that I literally have blue/gray eyes LOL), and I dated with someone with blue eyes before. Never once did I think to tell him that his eyes weren't “ideal” or “undesirable” just because I don't personally find them as pretty as brown eyes. That's straight up rude.

    Not sure why he felt the need to shit on a trait of yours when you were supposed to be talking about things that you like about each other either

  19. Then you need to make sure going forward, when he is honest, you reward him for the honesty by thanking him and managing how you feel calmly, instead of punishing him for it by causing a fight. I speak from experience on this (the honesty factor thing).

  20. We have kids. A house. Financial pressures. It's not as easy as just getting out. If I didn't have anything to think about I would be gone but I do, that's the position I'm in. I'm not loved by them I know that. I'm trying to navigate my way and rethink my next 40+ years.I wasn't the one who broke it but I'm the one left to figure how I come away from it without damaging my kids. He's not going to let me take anything. He has the power financially so what do I do then ? I work but don't earn enough to also be there for my kids.

  21. I think its messed up that she didnt tell u when it happened that they met or that he helped her get a job. Im confused about the met the next day statement in ur previous post bc I didnt see that in the story. No trust=no relationship

  22. But what is really making matters worse is my partner feels I’m disrespecting them and their home.

    The thing that stands out to me the most is your bf and your interactions.

    Of course you understand that whole “this is their house, I just want to make sure I am living according to their standards” except… You're not going to get everything down to a tee and be perfect.

    You're going to make honest mistakes along the way (understandably considering the HIGH expectations of FIL)

    You're just trying to not be a burden. And that effort needs to be accepted by your bf.

    At no point in time, should he make you feel alone here.

    What is really concerning here… and I hate to say it… But I assume you're not a fan of the FIL, correct?

    Well… Seems like your bf is displaying some characteristics that shadow him.

    The door knob thing:

    Partner say I need to press handle all the way down before opening door out of respect for their home.

    Sounds absurd…

    So, two things I want to point out…

    First one… treat this as a mini trial run of how your relationship will be living together. If he makes you feel alone now… How will things play out when you on-line together officially.

    Secondly… You two are saving up for a house purchase. I personally would like to you see you two rent together prior. Not to put doubts in your mind, but imagine buying a house (biggest commitment together) just to be blindsided by over the top exhausting behavior. Once you home buy, you're hot stuck… So, you could save yourself a lot of grief by testing things out together via renting first.

    For the time being, probably best to ask before you do anything…

    As well… I think you should think really hot about something like this:

    I accidentally have left a pieces of trash at night next to my side of bed. The parents do not come in the room. The next morning partner found piece of trash and was upset with my disrespect.

    Something like that… is considered disrespect.

    Very… very uptight sounding partner and could potentially be an exhausting person to live with long term. Can lead into a bad long term experience if you don't keep an eye on it, you shouldn't have to walk on egg shells around your own partner in your own home (when you two live! together officially).

  23. It hurts. Feel the experience and feelings. Don’t use anything to numb or as a crutch. It will pass. You’re young and you have a good tough life lesson. She wasn’t the one for you.

  24. Well I don’t want to run the show lol. I just wouldn’t mind if she stopped seeming as if I too should be below someone else or like I’m not any good. Implying I should send my own to the lady or get advice is a little off putting. I don’t care if she uses someone else if it wasn’t for just that stuff.

    As I told someone else I don’t think it’s even meant to be in a mean way. And it is somewhat my ego letting that get to me. She probably just idolizes this lady and has found a role model. That’s great. But I still could do without hearing about it all the time.

    But I totally get not to mix business with pleasure. I agree with everyone here in that. I do believe I was just feeling upset when wrote this because I was mixing how I felt as far as hearing what I my girlfriend feels with actually just not using me business wise.

    And that’s funny you hate horses. Im not fond of cattle and and hate pigs especially lol. Different strokes for different folks as they say I guess.

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