my new name is Stia, derived from my favorite cartoon stitch, y.o.
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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms my new name is Stia, derived from my favorite cartoon stitch
Date: October 6, 2022
This is my first real relationship and it’s all been one big learning experience. I was worried that maybe my own insecurities have led me to being too pushy. Thank you. I think I really needed to hear this.
I wouldn't break up with the mother of your child over something she said while pregnant. Tell her your concerns now, tell her it's a deal breaker for you, and then wait until after the baby is born to see how she feels. And not right after, obviously. Newborns are tough, post-partum is tough, it'll take a year or so for her to get back to her pre-pregnancy hormone levels (after breastfeeding).
I'm not saying wait a year, but this is your child and she hasn't done anything catastrophic. You owe it to your child to give this relationship your best shot. That means waiting to see if your girlfriend returns to some version of her pre-pregnancy self after pregnancy.
She'll never be the same, but hopefully you'll change with fatherhood, too. And hopefully you'll both grow into people who can fall in love again and raise a child together.
He doesn’t have trauma from ANYTHING. He’s using that as an excuse to criticize you
Forget him. Spend your time and energy with someone who you know likes you.
I was hoping someone would comment on this. Another horny 19 year old boy choosing to enter a relationship where boundaries were set and trying to force sex anyways ?
I disagree. So do your friends. You are not looking for advice, you are looking for people to agree with you. You had no right to tell off your DIL She set an appropriate boundary. Your son agreed with it. Instead of accepting that YOU lectured HER on control and alienation? See what I’m getting at?
it sadly has always been, but we do see each other at least every few weeks