Mylie the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


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Mylie online sex chat

Date: December 13, 2022

10 thoughts on “Mylie the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I really appreciate your very wise words. Here’s where I get stuck—I don’t think he’s actively or consciously comparing me to them. I think it’s passive and subconscious. That’s why I feel so alone in handling this phenomenon and why he’s so blameless in the situation.

    I have this belief that every time he’s exposed to something so sexually appealing—especially when it’s in person, right in front of him, like at the video shoot today—he has his own private lustful thoughts/ visual enjoyment of that woman. And I’m nowhere involved in that. I’m like a less exciting 3rd party in the situation. And it’s a really shitty reality to be shoved thru on an almost daily basis. Sure, he comes home to me, because he’s not dumb enough to end his life partner relationship over something like that. But how could he visually enjoy ME at the same level? I should add that he’s a very sexual person so I know his level of appreciation for beautiful women is very high.

  2. Not outwardly, but when it’s busy around the holidays, and something’s going on at my job, and there’s some little rift with my partner, and so on and so forth, my reaction to the stress is to get very mad and feel put-upon that I have to deal with all of this. And when I was younger and my relationship was younger, I tended to express that more, because I didn’t realize that what was happening was I was having an emotional response. I learned to handle that emotional response and understand that it was my problem and I shouldn’t make it anyone else’s, and the only way I’d be getting relief was to address my problems that were bugging me, and talk to my SO respectfully about how I was feeling before I got upset.

    So I’m just saying, from this limited information I think I recognize OP’s husband’s problem and I believe there’s a solution. I don’t know if he can find that solution, though.

  3. The first cookout they held was terrible.

    The husband grilling nude the whole time with a “kiss the cook” apron was a bit awkward.

    The wife telling everyone that brought a side dish “oh you shouldn't have, but if you want to blow Steve by all means go ahead” was slightly more awkward.

    The containers of anal lube left in various places with signs stating to “help yourself” left a few people without an appetite.

    The video cameras set up across the back yard recording everything were also unnerving.

    However, the final straw was the generic ketchup on the condiment table. Cheap bastards.

  4. You're missing the point. People aren't literally saying that's what he did, but figuratively, that's exactly what he did. Normal, healthy, well-rounded adult men of the 25-26(+) year age group don't date down unless they're flawed. Women their own age reject them because they're often too immature or something is “off”.

    I'll say it again: No healthy, balanced, adult male will want to date a girl in her late teens.

  5. Lol its not toxic to tell you're girlfriend that if she doesn't stop using you you are going to leave her.

  6. he did not gift the perfume to her, as for the clothing I’m unsure. I think the issue is that for me, scents hold association so smells reminds me of things

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