You cheated you didn't give a dam about those kids when you did and how it would affect them in life. Now you seem to care? To late you cheated you don't love your gf if you did you wouldn't have cheated. So man up and come clean. There is no healthy way at all
You mean ex boyfriend. Boundaries are only meaningful if there are consequences for crossing them. He gets away with it once that teaches him he can do it again.
Your relationship has reached it’s natural end. It is not now, nor has it ever been something you have or haven’t done. Believe the things he’s said to you, because his behavior makes it seem like he’s been ready to end it for awhile but it is too much of a coward to say the words. So instead he’s just quietly stopped being your partner. This is admittedly a strange time to do so with you being the sole financial provider in a living situation that you and he share, but you’ve done your best to address his needs. Do not let him mistreat you because he is suffering. It is nude to leave relationships, especially when you on-line together. But he has already left the relationship, he just hasn’t left the living space. So you take this time to gather yourself and prepare to do what must come next. Come up with a plan to on-line separately and end this relationship. Good luck!
Because you’re ignoring decades/centuries of social context and history. Men are not romantic with each other and choose to show that by avoiding anything that can be seen as intimate such as physical affection, or talking about feelings, which is why you have the problems you have today with men’s mental health. Women have a different set of socialization issues, but do not see being affectionate the same way as being romantic, which is why you have a lot of guys confused about the friend zone because women are touching them or telling them intimate things about feelings, but it’s just how we were socialized to act in friendships. It’s really not that fucking very hot if you look back all through history, women’s friendships are seen being more affectionate and close and men’s friendships are literally made fun of her being oh, you only talk about the game and never talk about feelings and are afraid of doing anything physically close beyond a handshake. Yes, treat queer and straight relationships the same but don’t treat people the same ignoring years of history and socialization and how toxic masculinity and patriarchy has shaped what friendships and different relationships mean just to be like well I’m being equal why is everyone getting mad at me for not being equitable? Come on now it’s not that hot. Also just like all straight people don’t want your girlfriend all gay women don’t want your girlfriend and to assume that we will be creeping on her if she said she is straight and not interested at all is actually contributing to the idea that gay people are predators who don’t take no for an answer.
Trust your gut girl. ?
You cheated you didn't give a dam about those kids when you did and how it would affect them in life. Now you seem to care? To late you cheated you don't love your gf if you did you wouldn't have cheated. So man up and come clean. There is no healthy way at all
You mean ex boyfriend. Boundaries are only meaningful if there are consequences for crossing them. He gets away with it once that teaches him he can do it again.
This is only anecdotal. I’ve never had kids or been pregnant. I had my tubes removed (similar to tubal) and my cycle was off for months.
“There isn’t enough research to conclude” does not equal “there are no hormonal consequences”.
ya'll know a switch game cartridge is the size of a cheez-it.
honestly I think you should leave my dude, she'll be gagged fosho. Good love is hot to find and she acting like it rains out the sky. lol frtho-
less games bc a kid is involved- ya'll need therapy. bc she's acting a fool.
Your relationship has reached it’s natural end. It is not now, nor has it ever been something you have or haven’t done. Believe the things he’s said to you, because his behavior makes it seem like he’s been ready to end it for awhile but it is too much of a coward to say the words. So instead he’s just quietly stopped being your partner. This is admittedly a strange time to do so with you being the sole financial provider in a living situation that you and he share, but you’ve done your best to address his needs. Do not let him mistreat you because he is suffering. It is nude to leave relationships, especially when you on-line together. But he has already left the relationship, he just hasn’t left the living space. So you take this time to gather yourself and prepare to do what must come next. Come up with a plan to on-line separately and end this relationship. Good luck!
Because you’re ignoring decades/centuries of social context and history. Men are not romantic with each other and choose to show that by avoiding anything that can be seen as intimate such as physical affection, or talking about feelings, which is why you have the problems you have today with men’s mental health. Women have a different set of socialization issues, but do not see being affectionate the same way as being romantic, which is why you have a lot of guys confused about the friend zone because women are touching them or telling them intimate things about feelings, but it’s just how we were socialized to act in friendships. It’s really not that fucking very hot if you look back all through history, women’s friendships are seen being more affectionate and close and men’s friendships are literally made fun of her being oh, you only talk about the game and never talk about feelings and are afraid of doing anything physically close beyond a handshake. Yes, treat queer and straight relationships the same but don’t treat people the same ignoring years of history and socialization and how toxic masculinity and patriarchy has shaped what friendships and different relationships mean just to be like well I’m being equal why is everyone getting mad at me for not being equitable? Come on now it’s not that hot. Also just like all straight people don’t want your girlfriend all gay women don’t want your girlfriend and to assume that we will be creeping on her if she said she is straight and not interested at all is actually contributing to the idea that gay people are predators who don’t take no for an answer.
Him accusing you of talking to someone is him projecting his own guilt onto you
He knows you're uncomfortable with the idea of being involved but insists on it anyway then gets upset at the thought of you being with someone else
I'd seriously reconsider this relationship