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Date: October 24, 2022

18 thoughts on “NicoleFox1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. I almost never feel like being on my phone after so our routine has been me laying on his chest while he browses. While I’ll admit I’m okay with sometimes but ideally I’d cuddle for a bit and then do that. That would make it perfect.

  2. Asexuality is a little different from other sexualities. Some people are born asexual. I'm one of them. Never cared about sex, was never interested, never looked at a swimsuit model of either majority gender and felt turned on by their appearance. Never felt like I “needed” to have sex.

    Other people become asexual either due to trauma (like sexual assault) or to some other life event(potentially having a child). Some people also have sex when they're younger because they think it's expected, and then something happens that makes them think it's no longer required(like getting pregnant / getting their partner pregnant).

    Honestly, since you don't seem to have any evidence of malicious intent or anything that sets off the cheater detector, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe he just doesn't understand what the word “asexuality” means.

  3. Yeah I agree with this. Although, I think he is kinda a prick for making her breakfast for her birthday then asking her to share it. Like make enough for the both of you.

    I do not really like sharing my food utensils or cups either, not even with my kids generally. I will occasionally.

  4. No, he must find a way for HER to dump HIM.

    If he breaks up with her she'll go totally psycho and call the cops on him with that accusation

    women be wicked like that

  5. It could be anything there’s not nearly enough info to give a good answer here.

    I’ve seen people bad at compliments, people who use this to be nice but don’t have interest, somewhere in between, etc

    Has this girl shown any attraction toward you or were you just friends and you just dropped a photo randomly? It could’ve been odd/unwanted if you get me.

  6. “I would normally never look through something like that”

    And yet…you did. That makes you a pretty big jerk in this situation, but you didn't come here for moral judgement because there's plenty to go around.

    If your fiancee isn't happy with a one plus carat ring, I don't know what to tell you. That's a pretty big level of materialism and that would bother me a lot. But at this point, you really should come clean to her about reading her journal because that was REALLY not OK.

  7. Shut off the WIFI AND CABLE. She does not deserve luxuries while refusing to do the bare minimum as a mother and partner. Tell her you can't afford them anymore while paying for daycare. If she wants them back she needs to get a job and pay for them. I would also flat-out tell her that I don't like how she's treating me or our son and if it continues, divorce papers will greet her very soon.

  8. Right? I read the title thinking this was the result of an affair or something but nope. One is a widow and the other is divorced. OP got married and was in a relationship before father and MIL (I assume) so it’s not like they were dating and then married their pseudo step sibling this whole time.

    So what’s the problem?

  9. The hot truth here is that this has always been a problem in your relationship, you’ve discussed it many times, nothing’s changed, but you got married nonetheless.

    I realize that’s a moot point but this is your reality, and the reality you’ve always been aware of. To be fair to you, I assure you I’m fully on your side in terms of hygiene. You don’t need to defend your argument to us or tell us what you’re used to. It’s gross.

    But while we can agree with you all day, it’s irrelevant. She’s not changing. She’s told you that over and over. So that leaves you with two options; resign yourself to the reality that this is your future, or decide it’s a deal breaker and talk to a lawyer. Good luck.

  10. The dollar value is not important.

    It’s the time, energy, thoughts that you take to decide what to do/get for her that matters – especially if she isn’t materially inclined.

    I can guarantee that she will prefer an experience that creates wonderful memories with you over you spending $$$ on things she might not like.

  11. Everyone should grow in their marriage. This person literally said that people they profile as “traditional” are not receptive to growth in a relationship. I come from a traditional place, and we don’t intimidate our women. If anything we’re intimidated by them!

  12. She doesn’t even want to go on vacation with him anymore it’s just the fact that I know it’s what he wants and I feel like it entails more than a friendship, I know these are really bad thoughts to have and I wish I could get rid of them I’m just being honest here and might get hate.

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