the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Date: October 2, 2022

8 thoughts on “ the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I want to say from personal experience that this is common but it isn’t the norm by any means. I have atleast 15 friends from India who dated and married outside their race. The world is changing, and so is India. Lots and lots of Indians these days do not wish to follow this, and it’s completely fine to not.

  2. Honestly if I were them, I would end the friendship with you. You are in love with a married man!! Not his wife..not them as friends…Him! Don't fool yourself, that you want a friendship. That's not true. You wanted the life Shay had with him.

    Therapy might be a good idea. I think you are just lonely. Leave them alone. No contact of any sort! Don't turn into a stalker. It will not help you heal.

    Get some hobbies…make some new SINGLE on making yourself happy without depending on other people.

  3. She's not a prize. This isn't television, where the only thing that matters is how nude you try. (Television likes to play it that way because this can easily be dramatized.) She is her own person, with her own feelings and her own opinions. And she has made those feelings and opinions abundantly clear. She didn't block you everywhere because she was trying to invite you closer. She blocked you everywhere to make you go away.

    If you ignore that and try to give her gifts anyway, what you were saying to her is, “I don't believe in your feelings. (I mean, unless I agree with them. After all, I don't believe you're actually a person: you're a NPC in the story that is my life.)”

    TL;DR The game is already over, and you lost. Worry instead about how to win the next one.

  4. She is blaming others for her intentional choices.

    She has not changed and in fact the manipulation is now more apparent. You seem to see this and yet are being drawn back in.

    They all knew and did nothing. They watched as you engaged with Mark and Emily unawares. Bad friends who chose to protect her wrongdoing. You cannot trust them or rely on them. Advances will be coming from a place of guilt and to ‘even a score’. Transactional people are best avoided. The immaturity of the group has been laid bare and you yourself are showing the foundational soap opera drama that seems to be part of everything.

    Wake up from this groggy dream. You are still being manipulated. The release of truth is slow and probably has not finished. Marks attachment is very strong for a single kiss and limited encouragement. More happened. He was given the impression, even if only sometimes, that she wanted more than you could give and so his drive to fight to win her was amped over time. Even now she is still reading his letters even if she claims she bins them, and feeding off his desire for her.

    Walk away from this drama. The only thing she has learned so far is to use faux misery as a shield against opprobrium. Her true feelings come out when she senses you will break under her pressure.

  5. Huh? He’s 36 years old. And yet OP is 38. She may not have time being on her side. He tricked her after 12 years. Your point is irrelevant.

  6. Just know that whatever bothers you prior to marriage will be amplified x100 once you're legally obligated to your partner. Get into some premarital counseling and try to work it out. If you can't work it out cancel the wedding. It's better to lose some money on vendor deposits than to have to go through a divorce.

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