the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Date: October 17, 2022

7 thoughts on “ the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Building good working relationships with your foreman is still important. It’s the best way to get the easiest tasks on a job site. And you never know when you’re going to work with somebody again in that field. I think it’s unfair for you to criticize your boyfriend for a decision he decided on his break while he’s at work. The workday is shitty enough without having to come home to your nagging girlfriend because he didn’t eat what you made. He’ll eat it later. get over it.

  2. I don’t know if it was a bad move or not but i ended up asking if the friend I reminded her of (the guy) if she ever fancied him at all aha

  3. She had sexual interactions with another person. Most people would consider that cheating. Did you two have the talk about boundaries at the beginning of your relationship?

    Now in your view she cheated and broke your trust. It takes way longer than 6 months to get past something like that. Some people never do. And that's with couples therapy.

    The thing that most people don't think about with things like that is the damage it causes the other person ( you). Before this you probably didn't think this is something she would be capable of doing to you. Well now you know she is and you aren't able to see her the same way or trust the same way.

    The other thing is that she's telling you that it's not a big deal because she wasn't going to meet him. Well she was hiding it from you / lying so you only have her word for that which you now can't trust if that's true or not.

    Also your feelings are valid and she's blowing them off.

    Why did she feel the need to get sexual affection from someone else?

    If it's because she feels like she's not getting enough from you then why didn't she say that before doing this with someone else?

    Has she blocked this person?

  4. Maybe not the answer you’re looking for, but… butt out of it. If your friend doesnt have the motivation/guts/maturity to contact this girl himself, then that is the end of it.

    Y’all sound like you’re trying to play matchmaker and hold this friend’s hand through his own dates. Is this really concern for your friend? Support? Or pity and this is a fun project.

    When in doubt, if ANYONE bails on a first date mid-way and doesnt immediately contact to reschedule, they are DONE. They took the easy, safe* route to get out of a situation that they didn’t want to be in. Leave the two alone and dont go stalking this girl’s friends and social life to track her down, on behalf of your project.

  5. Dude I'm reading this like….why the fuck are you still even dealing with this. You are in a relationship for a few months. Cut bait and move on.

  6. Just end it. She's not getting younger and deserves a chance to start a family with a guy who is all in. You aren't him.

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