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17 thoughts on “perfectt33nlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Yeah my #1 advice to the wife is the keep the inheritance as a separate asset that she can use for herself or for the college kids, if and when she wants to. It's not marital funds.

  2. Your marriage is done. It’s just a question when the plug is pulled. You can’t do the wrong things and expect good results.

    Whether your coworker relationship has a chance? ?‍♂️. You both have zero conscience about the wife. It’s not based on a solid situation. So odds aren’t good.

    You married for safety and won’t leave for safety. It’s not going to last.

    Start being an honourable guy and online by some moral code. Go talk to a therapist if you can’t handle being alone.

  3. Also do you really love him or just love the idea of what you thought you had.

    Their is true grief in a loss like the life you were planning. But it’s not healthy if it’s not productive grief.

    Reality is these actions he has done. You deserve better. You don’t want someone you can’t trust.

    The truth is maybe they got together 6 days later but he didn’t just form that attachment that day. He was provably in an emotional affair with this person. They turned his head and he didn’t even have the respect after 2 years to have a basic conversation with you to break up.

    Then he turns to you first chance when he is not happy with oppps karma..

    Um no. There are good loyal loving men in this world. Make space in yourself to find them. Spend your energy on developing into an amazing successful person and put yourself in spaces to meet other amazing people.

  4. If he was wrongfully arrested, you should be able to sue for money, or there should have been a much bigger deal about this. The lawyer should be able to navigate that. The reason I bring this up… Is that you can't wrongfully arrest someone if there is a warrant. Are you 100% sure you've gotten the whole truth about that incident?

    Lastly, you cope by scheduling visits, engage in hobbies, write letters, talk with friends and family.

  5. I would never consider anything with him. I love my partner and have no doubts on our relationship. I just want to get over this situation.

  6. Oh you mean your assumption that the man was just an asshole and that the woman couldn’t possibly have been doing something to justify what he said, may have been off base? Maybe you should have given him the benefit of the doubt instead of the wife. Try not being sexist for a bit. See how it goes.

  7. In the show “The Maid” this is depicted: the man, rather than accept consequences (pregnancy) for his actions, resented her for getting pregnant and crushing his dreams. That is when his true colors came out.

    When you dated him, that relationship didn’t conflict with his life view so he would act loving. When he started fooling around with your sister, he probably was equally loving because that affair made him feel young and adventurous. He did cheat on you, so your family KNEW he was (at the very least) disrespectful. Then she got pregnant and want to keep the baby. He no longer felt adventurous, in his world view having a baby is the end of free life. That’s the trigger. It is not your sister’s fault, his behavior is his fault.

    Your mother and sister are horrible people and you don’t need them in your life. Your dad better speak up his view because if he supports your mom on this stupid “redirected blame game” he is out too.

  8. You wanted to put your boyfriend in harm’s way for… what? A romantic gesture? You don’t know what that man wanted, and clearly if he was following you for so long, his intentions probably weren’t pure. Your boyfriend could’ve gotten hurt or killed if he tried to confront him. Same with you. He did the right thing here, and I hope you haven’t tried to confront him about it.

  9. Maybe you should start making clever jokes that won’t hurt his pride when he shows you his surprise junk. He may have self esteem issues about his junk that causes his to seek your approval. Try a few sessions of couples counseling, and be open about how him springing his junk on you make you feel, then listen to what he has to say in the sessions.

  10. This is a boyfriend problem as well. It's been 3 years and he hasn't stuck up for you? And yes, it's his day to do as he pleases, but why wouldn't he WANT to spend the day with his gf??? That's a red flag. Run.

  11. Why is this surprising to people ?! So are we supposed to assume partner will leave us once we age out? When did this become the norm?

  12. She ignores you and you have a fight? There’s something missing there. If she needs space to decompress, have you tried leaving her alone for an evening?

  13. Tell him he has Two choices… blocks her and never speaks to her again or loses you.. and if he Can't do that then end the relationship pack up and leave or kick him out

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