Just because someone calls you a dog doesn't mean you have to start barking. Sit down with him and explain this disrespectful and you will no longer acknowledge him anymore unless he uses your proper name and train yourself out of the habit of answering him. If you particularly want to demonstrate how upsetting it stop using his name and start using a clicker to get his attention.
What did I just read lol
Just because someone calls you a dog doesn't mean you have to start barking. Sit down with him and explain this disrespectful and you will no longer acknowledge him anymore unless he uses your proper name and train yourself out of the habit of answering him. If you particularly want to demonstrate how upsetting it stop using his name and start using a clicker to get his attention.
that's shitty – did she express regret at all?
Nah, don't settle. Put yourself in the Venn diagram region where you'll meet the person who's going to light it all up. Good luck, don't settle!
Definitely get tested for STIs.