Princessfin on-line sex cams for YOU!


princessfin chat

Date: February 20, 2023

9 thoughts on “Princessfin on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Thank you for your insight.

    I wasn't trying to imply he “owes” me moving in at all. I'm not sure why that's quotations as if I said it or even implied. I'm looking for advice on whether people think these are like irreconcilable differences, not saying he should move in with me because he owes me.

    Last paragraph:

    I'm not sure I can handle another year of him wanting me to come over and hang out in a group setting and feeling like our relationship is stagnant and not moving forward. Looking for advice on whether I'm being an inconsiderate jerk, whether we should just call it quits since our stubborn takes on city living clash with each other, wait it out the two years til I finish while being a little resentful?

    Would never attack him and imply he owes me moving in or bending to my will lol

  2. His explanation to me was that he’s never really been in a healthy or normal relationship before, and it scared him.

    So? not cheating is the bare fucking minimum. i don't think you can repare this and you should not. You deserve much better

  3. Trusting gullible whatever, it all still points to the fact that she’s not the worst party in this and he shouldn’t be focussing solely on her.

  4. You can’t reason with bigots / idiots so there’s no need to confront. Work on getting yourself out first. And keep up the front the best you can. Health is priority make sure you are using all the resources available whether you have Medicaid, Disability, or private insurance. Do you have any income coming in? Make sure everything is paperless as possible. Then work on relocating to living with family, friends, or rehab long term care facility.

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