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8 thoughts on “Racheel-boobs online webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah thats the thing. I wouldn’t want them to fall out because they’ve been friends since young. The best friend saw how good i was to my ex and she appreciated it. My ex never. She started treating me like shit, blaming me for everything. Ill just see how it plays out first because honestly i dont see their friendship lasting longer. My ex spoke rubbish about the bestfriend when they argued

  2. Because there are? If you don't want an honest answer don't ask an honest question? If you need smoke blown up your ass and to be lied to, preface your need to feel attractive with “ok give me an honest answer but don't be honest please lie to me to make me feel pretty”.

  3. My wife is bi too and that doesn't bother me in itself. It did bother me when she started with an attitude of “I want to sleep with women and that's none of your business” since it's a monogamous relationship. Self discovery is important but I'm not going to offer praise for her wanting to step outside the relationship.

  4. Not telling you about what? That she had a friend and a lunch date? She did tell you that. What are you even on about? Again, if you respect your partner, your (gag) 'soulmate', you respect them to be loyal and truthful. You clearly don't and don't think she can spend time with another man without there being a danger a dick might fall into her by accident.

  5. Wow, after 22 years, I think it’s time you sleep train yourself. Focus on teaching yourself some self soothing techniques so that your wife isn’t responsible for you getting a good sleep. She’s got her hands full with an actual infant.

  6. Your friend is obviously not your friend, and your wife is either too naive or just as your friend, she is a really shitty person.

  7. I'd say stop looking for romance etc. Work on yourself and work through your grief, talk to someone about it if haven't already. Talking about this stuff really helps.

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