Rem, 19 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Rem
Date: October 11, 2022
Rem, 19 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
I had a difficult time cumming from my exs blowjobs. My current girlfriend can do it in less than 5 minutes. It was definitely the exs fault.
No I know it 100% wasn’t that lol, she has a boyfriend and he’s aware I’d never actually have a 3some which is why it was a joke. And it was about if I had done it in the past, not if I would currently
What is the topic you argue about?
Personally I would want to be with someone that is proud to call me their partner instead of pretending they aren’t in a relationship with me.
You wont get that. Ever. As someone who got cheated on myself: please remember what cheating tells you about someones character. He ist egoistic bordering narcissistic, has no empathy, will only prioritize himself, has no morals. So see it from his perspective: what would it bring him to tell you the truth. Nothing. Now you still stay and he doesnt see himself as guilty and never will. He sees himself as a victim of his feelings and possibilities.. You need to protect yourself. Make the right decision for you and divorce