Rubylynx live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: October 30, 2022

10 thoughts on “Rubylynx live webcams for YOU!

  1. Girl get his stuff, box it and give to a mutual friend. Send a heartfelt text telling him you need space.

    You are 28, so when is he done with his degree, date this other person and finally good enough to be with you.

  2. Might want to be careful with that first sentence. You used a swear word and that might seriously hurt your fiancé.

  3. So, he would want to be with her simply out of convenience. You're inconvenient to him. Would you even be able to trust him after this?

  4. This is exactly what I was thinking. My husband and I have had similar conversations, especially because I bruise really easily. My son is in the car seat that I carry everywhere, and because of this, my forearms and legs are always bruised because of how I carry him (he's heavy in the car seat, and it always hits against my legs when I walk). Anyway, my husband gets really worried that when we go out, people will think he's the one causing the bruising, even though it's definitely not as bad as a black eye. She could be feeling the same way.

    However, if this is a pattern more so of vanity and her not being a good partner for you, then this scenario might be bigger than you getting a black eye. For what it's worth, I hope your healing process is relatively smooth.

  5. This is unfortunate but true. I knew of a friend who earned significantly more than her ex and when they parted even though she had full custody she had to pay him alimony. Freaking garbage if you ask me.

  6. From what I remember and from the texts I’ve seen, my wife is giving him information about herself. It’s partially true. We’re out of state and she’s texting a local number so it’s not her friend’s ex. She’s basically saying that she’s new to town which was true 5 years ago but indicating that it’s a much more recent move that she made by herself

  7. If you think that housework is a silly thing to fight about, its probable that you're not doing your fair share in your own relationship, or aren't in one. Inequality isn't silly. My partner benefitting from my physical and mental labour at the cost of my happiness, my career and our relationship isn't silly.

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