Salt & Pepper the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Salt & Pepper, 26 y.o.

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Salt & Pepper on-line sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

11 thoughts on “Salt & Pepper the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Break up and be with your co-worker ! You actually don't have feelings for your GF and you want to be with your ex Gf! Set your GF free and tell your EX GF that you have feelings for her and want to be with her . But be prepared for your stbex gf, to tell you what a low life pos you are. Set her free and leave her be, if you don't you WILL cheat!

  2. Time to take hubby to see a financial advisor to figure out the best way to divy up both paychecks for the future..

  3. Since you’re here atm anyways, I would suggest to make the most of it. Things may have not worked out with her but this country is swimming with wonderful people for you to meet.

    As an older guy with a lot of experiences under my belt, I can tell you life is full of things that don’t work out like you thought but its staying open in those times for things you never planned on or thought was possible.

    I can tell you with certainty that this wasn’t the girl for you. She shut that door but more than that, after 4 years of talking with her, she froze you out rather than at least coming to see you even if only as a friend.

    A friend wouldve at least told you not to come.

    I imagine you’re heart is broken and that sucks. Im sorry. The great news is that you’re still a young man, a single young man in a country that has a lot of freedom and choice. Its not perfect by a long shot but when it comes to our women, I would put their intelligence, compassion and beauty, taken as a whole, up against any in the world.

    So let yourself feel how you feel and then start going places and keeping yourself open to other people and experiences you also might not have expected.

  4. I would try and take all legal measure to send him to prison for child sex trafficking for as long as possible.

  5. Thank you everyone for the advice, we will be talking to a lawyer in the morning and then going to the police.

    I have made a list of all the advice and will be deleting this thread because I didn’t do it on a throw away and I made it in the more as kinda a way to vent didn’t expect it to take off, I am grateful to you all.

  6. You should leave him, of course. I'm very surprised you're even questioning this. This is a bad, bad dude. Not a trustworthy, honest, high quality, faithful one. You're so young. Don't waste your youth on guys who don't respect you.?‍♀️

  7. Hey when she is begging her daughter for a relationship and she shuts her out of her life she shouldn’t start crying because hey she choose her husband over her own blood. I be Dam to have a women tell me that I can’t keep my child with me I rather be single then destroy my own child heart

  8. Think about the worst case scenario instead of the best. Are you prepared to be a single mother with little to no support? What will you do if you break up and he doesn't want to online with you or financially support you? What will you do if the grandparents fall ill and can't help? You have to want this for yourself and not for everyone else. Would you rather regret having this baby or not going through with the pregnancy? Talk to a doctor and learn about your options.

  9. It’s time invested that unfortunately didn’t seem to go anywhere but why invest more that you also can’t get back. Know yourself and be okay with things not working at times. Sometimes things are beyond your ability to control or understand.

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