Sarah the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Sarah

Sarah live sex chat

Date: October 19, 2022

7 thoughts on “Sarah the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I know its really hot when the kids are so small..

    You need a timeoff together, just the 2 of you.

    How about asking for a bj which would get you into mood?

    Sometimes when not in the mood just trying it a littlebit might get you going. Just make sure to tell him that if it doesnt work you might need to stop it so he doesnt get unnecessarily frustrated

  2. He was excited to be my first time and teach me about it

    He was gonna teach you? What happened to that?

    He had a breakdown because sex is a need for him… he was the one that stopped having sex with me and turned down all my attempts at initiating it.

    A breakdown because of a lack of sex? Like an undersexed tantrum? You know, sometimes what looks like a breakdown is actually a manipulation tactic. After months and months of denying YOU sex, he has the audacity to throw a fit because he’s not getting all the sex he wants. Wants, not needs. Wants still matter in a relationship, but wants are not needs, and nobody needs sex.

    He told me I’m bad at sex (which makes sense because I have literally no idea what I’m doing)

    He chose to date a virgin. Said he was excited to teach you things. 9 months later, he taught you nothing. Teaching you to be better at sex was kind of his responsibility as your monogamous sex partner.

    He wanted to open the relationship (which also makes sense.)

    Doesn’t sound like that’s what you want. That should be a dealbreaker.

    …weeks of him flirting with people behind my back… he keeps taking videos [of us having sex] and sending them to the girl…

    Girl, what?? How far backwards are you willing to bend for this guy? And I don’t mean literally.

    … he sounded so uninterested… he started talking about how I’m bad at sex and making it kinkier helps a little bit.

    He’s an asshole, and a bad boyfriend, but also something feels kinda off about a guy complaining endlessly about a girl being bad in bed. Most guys are happy just to be there. You can lie there like a dead fish and that’s adequate for most men. It just seems like he’s manipulating you into letting him fuck other girls.

    I want to get better at sex, but only really for him

    You should get better at sex for yourself hun. And for the NEXT relationship.

    I want us both to be happy and secure and able to have a healthy relationship.

    You can’t. Cuz he’s a wad. And he’s not gonna stop being a wad. He’s a dirtbag, and you deserve better. Seriously DUMP HIM.

  3. That is still a lot. Out of 1000 tests, 320 are proven not the bio dad. And 23 and Me rests are ruining a lot of familes….

  4. I do not know why, but reddit does not show me the ten comments it says there are. I can only see one which i've responded to. But I still want to thank everyone who took the time to answer me, I wish I could answer you back too.

  5. OP specifically says in the first sentence that her husband knew these guys from their wedding and that she slept with “some of them”. Also, these weren’t friends husbands, these were the friends. I definitely think it needs to be discussed. Because if not, something like this happens and it can be relationship ending. This applies to if OP was a man or woman too. At least that’s my thought.

  6. Well obviously your BF knows you well but not well enough, as a week wasn’t long enough.

    The fact that you had this reaction to your dad finding someone who might share his life is incredibly concerning.

    It was your dads secret to tell, and he didn’t want you to know, because he knew, just like your BF that you would have a overblown reaction.

    So pull your head out of your arse, keep your nose out of your dads life, and get some therapy.

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