Scarlettmonroe live! sex cams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Scarlettmonroe live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sorry, just to check:

    Did your friend know how much you liked this woman?

    Did you make your intentions clear (really liked her/wanted a relationship/was sexually interested) to the woman, or were you guys more like friends?

    Before your friend told you, what happened between you and the woman? Did you guys keep dating, did she ghost you, did she say she just wanted to be friends?

    I don't know if the answers to these makes much difference, as them keeping it a secret from you was pretty scummy, but if they genuinely were ignorant about your feelings towards her, then I can see how they could start dating and not think of the impact on you.

  2. Always best to have a mortgage that can be paid on one salary.

    Or, you could float the idea of adding roommates. Split rent that way.

    Honey, you’ve got three options 1. Get a better job asap 2. Online with roommates 3. Sell the home

    What’s it gonna be?

    PS: if she’s this shit at managing her finances, that doesn’t bode well for future saving/retirement/credit card bills…

    Good luck OP

  3. I’m not saying boys will be boys “though to be fair, boys will be boys, since they are boys”.

    What OP does is up to her. As for my conversation with you, I’m merely suggesting considering empathy over whatever juice you’re getting from a sense of moral superiority.

    Because the reality is, if you were this young man – literally, born of his parents on his birthdate with his exact dna and experiences, in the exact world/timeline he has experienced, you’d be doing and thinking the exact same things.

  4. Maybe he had a jelous girlfriend in the past who accused him of hiding stuff ,so he just wants to be 'super upfront' or maybe he's the insecure type and wants a similar list from you. Former is ok , latter not so much.

  5. “My girlfriend has turned out to be a bold faced liar but I love her and don't really want to be responsible for breaking up with someone who is showing me they're a bad person.”

    That's you, OP.

    After all the shit you just wrote, you're next course of action seems obvious to me.

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