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secretary_bjlive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “secretary_bjlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. A half-assed relationship is better?

    I don't know man, she's clearly cheating so you guys have got bigger issues. Maybe your priorities were wrong.

    But I always see guys in here going “my fiancée of 8/10/13 years is suddenly acting different…?” and I don't get how you can't see what's right in front of you.

  2. I'm not quite sure what the question is here – are you looking for her to support you in this journey or to be your motivator (ex. reminding you to exercise). Or, are you wanting your motivation to lose weight and grow in your career to transfer to her and drive her to do those things as well? Has she shown any interest in doing those things, or is she happy as she is?

  3. He will not change. He will abuse you in front of any child you birth. Things will get worse. I don’t know if you’ve been in this relationship long enough to see the typical cycle of the abuser apologizing and swearing they’ll change and actually becoming better before going right back to being a monster, but that’s what is happening right now. Your family has not given up on you! He only wants you to believe that so that you think you can’t leave him. You still can. Please run and don’t think you need to keep the baby. It’ll actually be much harder for you if you do because he will use the child to stay in your life. If you’re not against it, I would recommend aborting now. But even if you don’t, leave him. Please please please choose safety and a better life. This will only end in you being seriously injured or killed if you stay, and the same for any kids you give him. If he doesn’t harm the kids physically, then they will be emotionally wrecked from watching daddy hit mommy. It’s not worth staying.

  4. The weirdest thing is that she always had a great relationship with my boyfriend (when he was playing it cool) and they used to be good the first 5 years of our relationship. They talked for hours, laughed and shared a lot … But she's getting more and more mean and untitled with time… with me, my dad and my bf and basically everyone even her own boyfriend

  5. She is probably already having sex with other people and you've already lost her. Keep your dignity and just break up with her, there is no coming back from this

  6. Sex drive is a highly dynamic thing for most people, and since stress and exhaustion absolutely reduce sex drive, it’s not a trivial question to answer “are our sex drives compatible?”

    However, specific to your situation it sounds like she just doesn’t have a high libido and you do, and this is likely to continue to be a problem.

    Full time work and school is a lot, for sure… but life is busy and hot and if you have kids it’s even harder to find time and energy for sex.

    There are things that work for some people to increase sex drive/reduce effects that suppress sex drive. Meditation, exercise, reading romance novels all can can contribute to more drive.

    With that said, sometimes people just are wired differently and incompatible and neither of them is wrong for being that way.

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