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13 thoughts on “secretcrazy69live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. A lot of people think that love can do anything, cure problems, fix unpleasant truths, remove annoying boundaries. It's kinda instilled by stupid romance movies and fairy tales. Love conquers all, blah blah. I guarantee he thought her boundaries were because she didn't love him enough, and that if she did love him then she would magically not have them anymore. So every time he checked to see, the return was: Nope she still doesn't love me enough. Which would just make him more frustrated each time.

    All that being said, he's obviously wrong, he should have figured out by now that no one is required to change for you, and your expectations of people will only lead you to disappointment. But it does annoy me that this idea is perpetuated so much.

  2. It’s not that, I’m very flirtatious and very forward when I wake up because my brain isn’t there to stop me.

  3. My family is narcissistic and I've wanted to go NC for a long time. This seemed like a good opportunity. My family love my husband so it has nothing to do with him.

  4. Girl start dating a responsible man. You want him to be a different person, so why don't you simply find another person? That wasn't rhetorical, I'm really asking why you want to put this much effort into changing him. You are stressed out everyday by him. Don't you think it would be easier and happier to be single? The only thing positive about the relationship is a “thoughtful and caring side” but it sounds like that side only exists when he doesn't have to do any of the normal maintenance in life.

    You know that his mom taught him this behavior so clearly his entire world view was formed around laziness. He doesn't do those things because 1)he knows someone else will do it for him or 2) it must not be important anyways. Nobody can change him unless he wants to change. If he is stubborn and doesn't think he needs improvement then he will remain this way and probably get worse because he'll be resisting your efforts. From his perspective things are fine. His mom let him get away with it, and so are you. For 3 years you have been reluctantly doing everything for him, but you have still been doing it. Why should he change when it's so easy for him to online like this? Even if you leave him he has his mom. If he doesn't have either of you then he'll live off the government or find some place to on-line for free. I imagine he's the type that will spend more effort to get assistance money instead of just getting a job. What incentive does he have to start helping you? The correct answer is your happiness should incentivize him. Does he know you are unhappy? Does he care? What conversations have you had already about your stress and unfair treatment? You have both set the terms of the relationship: you do all the maintenance and work and have all the stress, he sits back and lives easy. He had the same balance of relationship with his mom, it's who he is.

    You mention adhd. Is is severe? Is he autistic? You “got him into therapy” but does he want to go?

  5. My ex did this and it was hurtful. But it also helped confirm for me that I wasn’t imagining it, he really hadn’t cared for me the way I wished he did. It helped me move on. I imagine that in the long run you’ll hurt your current relationship more by holding back for the sake of your ex.

    Breakups and relationships are one of those things where sometimes a little pain can be healthy and/or helpful. You can’t keep people from ever hurting, but the hurt that comes from actions that are above-board, honest and fair can tend to heal a lot more cleanly than hurt that comes from manipulation, cruelty and deceit.

    If she reaches out to you about it keep it clean and kind “It makes me sad that you feel I didn’t value you, I did. But relationships are all different and I’m in a different place than I was with you.” Maybe the hurt you’re trying to prevent is your own because posting them is more likely to make her decide she needs to take a step back from the friendship to heal. But that will help you move on and focus on your current sweetie.

  6. What are his parents like? Have you observed their “manners”? He may just have never learned them, and never had them pointed out. Or had them lightly pointed out but figured it wasn’t a big deal.

    Manners are kind of weird because they’ve changed and kind of change place to place.

    When I was a kid you NEVER put your elbows on the table, like, anywhere. And most people put their napkins in their laps if they were supplied like that. Now days I would say a large majority of people feel comfortable setting elbows on the table except maybe 40-50+ adults. I’m really glad that’s not a thing anymore, as long as you’re not slouched all over the table honestly it’s convenient to rest my forearms on the edge occasionally. Napkins though I always put down still. But I see a lot of people who don’t, or sometimes when they’re not getting messy foods which I suppose is fair. They always fall on the floor anyways.

    But anyways. Manners are taught and learned. He may be dismissing them because he doesn’t realize people are actively judging him for it. Or he’s the type to not care what people think at any stakes.

  7. …and then what do you do?

    At that point, I would tell him it is very weird and makes you feel embarrassed. Use better terms than “like a child”.

    “So I know you see no issue with it, but when you made that weird mixture of sauces, corn, and other things into the water… I lost my appetite. It looked gross and a lot of people at dinner gave you strange looks. Can we work on this? Otherwise I might have to pass when we go out to eat.”

  8. || If you have ADHD it affects you the opposite way than if you didn’t.

    No. It’s a psychoactive drug that affects your brain

    I would say yes and no – Physically yes, the neurochemical acts the same way – adding dopamine and norepinephrine. But it also has different results (tho the same effects) on non-ADHD brains.

    Dopamine/Norepinephrine Bell Curve ______ _/ \_ _/ \_ / \ _/ \_ ———————– 0 1—>2 3—>4 5 1- ADHD no meds

    3- no ADHD no meds

    2- ADHD with meds 4- no ADHD with meds

    But with addiction, you end up with 1—>4 and 3—>5

  9. Wow, you are an asshole! Either he is your son or he’s not. Biology has nothing to do with being a dad. You totally ruined an innocent bond. I really hope that your wife divorces your ass when you start favoring your “real” kid over your step-kid.

  10. I’m curious, how did she obtain her wealth? Through her family or by her own accord? Bc she sounds like a nepo baby.

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