Selina the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


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Date: October 20, 2022

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  1. u/tiredpotato__, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. He is just sorry that he got caught. He never planned to tell you. So what else did he hide to you? And who knows what he does next if he is horny when he travel? A prostitute since the happy end was not satishying enough?

    He choose his pleasure of your relationship. He didn't plan to tell you. He cheated, he betrayed you. The trust is gone and without trust a relationship can't work.

    So yes, i would break up.

  3. Maybe it's not so much about that, but about it being real, your gayness that is. I mean, this is just ignorance on their part too. There are massive bears who are bottoms too. It's not all about replicating the “man” and the “woman” or whatever.

  4. I'm not sure I believe that you've been this girl's mom for 10 years and through several important developmental stages and there wasn't even one single time where she asked something like “what was I like as a baby?” or “how did I come out of your tummy?” or even “I heard having a baby hurts really bad. I hope I didn't hurt you, did I?” if she has been made to believe you're her birth mother, or equally as telling: “Why didn't you have more kids after me?” or “Why haven't you had any of your own babies?” Kids are incredibly inquisitive and wonder about those kinds of things from time to time unless you've given them reasons not to trust you. They're also nosey and, at least at younger ages, don't really know what is and isn't a rude thing to ask someone. In that vein, it's also pretty normal for kids to ask how their parents met, when they got married, that sort of thing. If she's 13 she'd be in, what, 7th or 8th grade? I'm pretty sure she's been taught math by now, in either case. She would be able to figure out that if you and your husband met in 2010 and she was born in 2009 then it's impossible for her to be your biological daughter.

    Despite one of the dilemmas in this post being “I love my daughter so much but she might not know” it really feels like it's written by a person that has no experience with kids and who thinks they're as constantly oblivious, uncurious, and easy to fool as a person who joins the family unit of a widower and his daughter and never once wonders why the late wife's family seems to have disappeared as well.

  5. Yeah, I did this and then she broke up with me. Not saying that will happen, but you are leaving yourself open to it.

    Don’t sell your house for someone you have only known for a year. Stick to your plan. I wish I would have.

  6. You need to set a boundary with the hitting. She is never to do it again for any reason. She's unable to control herself.

    She needs therapy for her depression especially to help with ppd. Your wife sounds fragile and once baby comes she's in for a world of hurt.

  7. You have already proven you know Jack shit about what you are talking about and now you are trying to say I’m lying about my age. How stupid are you?

  8. Why ask a question if you don’t want real answers. Everything about your behavior here is all about you. You’ve provide zero reasoning as to why your wife should want to stay. You’re not a sympathetic figure her and you show no empathy.

    If you want a legit answer, you need to step up, accept responsibility and realize that this takes time and is not subject to your desires. You mentioned that this is affecting your life… you’re a narcissist and honestly it’s hard to find a reason to want to help you.

  9. So younger men can’t be toxic and manipulate? Young men can’t use his power over you ? Lol. Yeah

    There are women who can’t even get a phone password.

    I just wanted sex after a baby. Which is a normal thing that happens with relationships all the time.

  10. I would need a sincere and ongoing display of regret and shame.

    I would need to see ZERO push back against all my behaviours that spring from lack of trust (eg location checking, phone transparency).

    I would expect him to adopt the old fashioned way of ensuring fidelity – so not only being loyal but being seen as such also. For example, if we have couple friends then he would text the man and not the woman, not having a woman alone in a car / house / room.

    In short I would expect an extra level of WILLING loyal behaviour forever.

    The old fashioned way of male/female fidelity rules worked fine for the older generation, so he can go back to that. He loses modern privileges!

    If there’s any push back then I’d take that as actions indicating he doesn’t truly want to be with me, but has chosen to stay for practical reasons rather than love.

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