Ser the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Ser live! sex chat

Date: January 4, 2023

11 thoughts on “Ser the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I'm so sorry this is happening.

    Unless something drastic happens, this will be the rest of your life. Think about that long and very hot – the rest of your life will be exactly this. Your needs and wants and desires and plans will never be priority. Ever.

    Your fiance and his brother are very codependent and your fiance enables his brother at the expense of everything else.

    I hope you go on the vacation and have a wonderful time. ❤️

  2. And? What practical purpose does passing on a last generation to generation serve?

    Tracing family lines can be done with birth certificates. Same as any family with all girls that took on their husbands last names would have to do. So there is no practical purpose

  3. If I was there I'd judge her as being trashy. Cheating? No. But gross. How many other women are doing that? And the stripper having to smile through that. It's just cringy but a lot of girls think they're being adventurous. It's frat boy behaviour. End of the day, it's not cheating. I'm sure her friends were 'encouraging' her

  4. How did you handle the introduction? It can be a really hot process to join 2 kitty households into one… I would recommend watching a fair amount of “My Cat from Hell” to get some ideas on how you can work with the mean cat to improve your relationship (with the kitty and the kitty's dad). Jackson is really great on walking through how to read cats and better support them..

  5. I don’t know if you want something serious but he isn’t it. You said he’s your best friend maybe just keep it this way . Why struggle with someone like this. I think you should move on and leave him so he’ll get intimate with whoever he fancies.

  6. I'm usually think the partner is more important in some situations, but this time I'm team Keep the dog!!! I'm sorry your boyfriend is an asshole, something makes me think he waited to tell you to give up the dog after a year after you bonded with it so you will get emotionally hurt and punished for getting a dog when he doesn't wanted you to!!! Your “boyfriend” seems like a horrible, controlling and vindictive person!!! I will be runing away from him!! It will hurt but don't worry your dog will comfor you and be there for you!!

  7. I mean be naive as much as you want she is clearly interested in the person that she is willing to lie about y’all’s relationship but hey keep thinking “she won’t do that” lol she is willing to lie about your relationship that means she willing to do anything else but you sound like the typical guy who comes on here and swears his girlfriend will never treat but ultimately finds out she is cheating and has no remorse but still won’t have the self respect to see the red flags because “ I don’t want to be alone” or the other typical answer “ I don’t want to throw it all away”.

  8. Seriously. You just got a home based on both your salaries, have no savings and he thinks $52k will be enough? How would you pay a mortgage, save for college, plan for retirement, because you should start doing both as soon as you can, and support daily living WITH a baby? He’d probably have to take a second job and what kind of family life would that be with him gone all the time? He’s not being practice in his thought on this “ideal” family life.

    I’d write down all my concerns and explain that you quitting just isn’t an option. You’d lose more than half your household income. What if something happened to him? People become disabled or worse through accidents. You have no savings, have to pay for your daily living as well as any medical expenses. You’d be screwed.

  9. To be fair I wouldn't consider indefinite long distance for anything short of a rock solid marriage. Did it once and I'd rather do major surgery on myself than try that again.

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