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Shashi_Singhlive sex stripping with Live HD


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Room for live sex video chat Shashi_Singh

Model from:

Languages: en

Birth Date: 1986-01-01

Body Type: bodyTypeAverage

Ethnicity: ethnicityIndian

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown

Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: October 5, 2022

18 thoughts on “Shashi_Singhlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. She probably feels like you cared about your ex more. While wanting gifts can be seen as shallow, it is a way to show love. She might see it as, “you'll do all this for her and with her but don't care to do it with me.” I'd probably get hurt if i was her BUT you also don't owe her anything. Just bc you did something with one person doesn't mean you owe the other person anything. But that doesn't mean she can't feel how she feels

  2. If you're 32 now and he doesn't want you pregnant at 35… how will you be able to get 4 kids in without being constantly pregnant with multiples?

  3. Threaten or force? Didn't you say he's been mostly supportive? You feel he's capable of this from just a short amount of time?

  4. No one, I mean NO ONE is going to be 100% happy, 100% of the the time.

    So even taking the clinically diagnosed depression out of the equation, there are going to be good days, and bad days. Hell, there are going to be good months & bad months. That is part of life. You can't avoid it.

    What happens when you are having a bad week and you can't be bothered to cook? Does that mean he is going to refuse to cook for you? Because you “JuSt nEeD tO pUlL yOuRsElF uP bY tHe BoOtStRaPs”? What happens if you are feeling overwhelmed by life and need help with cleaning? Is he going to try & use your depression as a weapon against you to avoid responsibility?

    Depression is a medical condition, does he understand that? So what happens if you two decide to have kids, and you have a difficult pregnancy? How far does his mentality extend?

    To me, this is a major red flag, and I would be hugely concerned.

    Unfortunately, this is something you are going to have to tackle head on. I think a conversation is needed. You need to work out why he thinks this way, how much he truly understands about depression, and if he is willing to educate himself, and be a supportive partner when you need it.

  5. He’s gaslighting and turning it around on you so that you are made to feel like you’re the one who is the bad person. He’s deflecting. Not sure how long you’ve been together but I’d say find yourself someone better and move on from this man child

  6. You should leave this girl alone. She's not going to want to come back to you.

    Secondly, you should not have confided in someone with mental issues and immaturity (asking for money, legal problems, etc.). In the future, when you have a need to confide, choose a therapist.

    Third, you now know your brother should never be involved in your personal life in any way. You don't have to cut him off, just never let him be close to your girlfriends. Or your boss. Or your children. Or any other way where his mental instability could cause you grief.

  7. LOL..these posts get funnier and funnier man…you can’t reliably knock someone out physically without risking damage…you been watching way too much Lost. Also this post is fake.

  8. Are we talking clutter or disgusting dirty dishes? Honestly, for some people— especially with untreated ADHD— clutter and messes can be overwhelming. While it may be very tight financially, hiring a cleaning person every other week can be a life saver.

  9. Well maybe think about it this way: how womanly would you feel if you had a deep voice, broad shoulders, mustache and beard? Hormones are a huge part of what makes up the physical representation of our gender. The reason you have breasts is because of your hormones. If your son would like to have a more masculine presenting face, voice, and figure, he needs to have masculine hormones. Changing’s one name is not all that makes up our identity.

  10. Well maybe think about it this way: how womanly would you feel if you had a deep voice, broad shoulders, mustache and beard? Hormones are a huge part of what makes up the physical representation of our gender. The reason you have breasts is because of your hormones. If your son would like to have a more masculine presenting face, voice, and figure, he needs to have masculine hormones. Changing’s one name is not all that makes up our identity.

  11. Oh wow. The update is eye opening. In hindsight I can see that you were likely exhausted when you wrote the original post. For me, I see someone who loves their job with passion, and who cares a lot and probably loves their partner, but the two clearly are not equitable. I also see a partner who is not willing to see the obvious truth of your stress load and has no respect for your time or wellbeing. You know him and your relationship better than we do, but based purely on your post, I would end it and commit fully to my first love, which in this case is your career. Things will likely stabilize for you down the road and that may be the time to look for the right person. This guy does not seem to be the right person. Again, only based on what you've told us, I am not in your relationship so I could be reading more into aspects of your post than I should. He just seems inconsiderate. Definitely too inconsiderate for someone you've been dating for this long. Thanks for loving your brutal job the way you do. The people who end up in your care are lucky that you feel about it the way you do.

  12. OP, when someone tells you who they are it's best to believe them. You can forgive yourself for maybe the first two years of this since most people don't have their wits about them until they're about the age you are now. When someone wrongs you and they suffer no consequences they will wrong you again, and usually they'll raise the stakes because you've taught them that they can get away with it. But it's no mistake that he's moved you away from your emotional support system and not helped you learn to be independent. This is called coercive control and it's absolutely to make you so dependent that you feel you can't leave him. You're also probably falling prey to compensatory malleability (allowing yourself to be misused because you feel you couldn't get anyone who'd treat you right) and this is sadly common in people with mental illness and other “disabilities”. He could obviously use some help, but you can't make him get it and there's no guarantee that any amount of medical intervention would turn him into a decent person. This cycle of love bombing then turning the screws over and over again is just classic emotional abuse. Find any way you can to get out of there. A family that abused you as a kid may not be a dead end in terms of a place to land (because they're not likely to do the same now that you're a grown adult). But if that's not an option reach out to friends, even if they're far away and you have to take a bus to get there. Absent any of that find a shelter. But leaving someone like this guy isn't just a matter of physically removing yourself. You're going to have to grow the courage to tell him no when he hunts you down and starts his charm offensive. Make it work in any way you can manage. But do know that he's not going to change. This is a personality defect on his part, not something a year in therapy will fix. Good luck

  13. I don’t possibly know what I could be saying to offend them . Definitely possible they met someone else but every single one ? With that sample size ? Unlikely . You can die for your country at 18 I’d not call them teenagers . And that was 1 of 6 . The others are in their 20s

  14. He doesn't get to decide if her Father would be a good Father to his own daughter. She'd go to her paternal Grandparents or other family if her Father was determined not to be an option. She has no relationship with your husband. He's not her Uncle.

  15. Ok. So you are still not ready, when you have some life experience, you’ll be ready to be a good husband and maybe if you choose a great dad

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