Chlamydia can be transmitted through contact with infected bodily fluids such as semen or vaginal fluids. This can happen if infected fluids come into contact with the eyes, mouth, or other mucous membranes. It can potentially be transmitted through sharing of personal items, such as towels or underwear, that have come into contact with infected bodily fluids. However, this is rare.
There’s defiantly alot. I know that you have pinpointed 2 very negatives things about her. But much of them are positive
You haven’t explained one tangible benefit. But I have explained tangible costs.
Since he would have to do the work and is the one posting. Of course we focus solely on him.
You may want you practice your logic.
As much as I agree, she's told me repeatedly that she hates the quiet with nothing to do.
He's testing you. Trying to see what you'll let him get away with and how much he can control you.
This is not appropriate behavior for a relationship based on mutual respect. Leave now before it gets worse.
I'd stick with foam if you are wanting to do this at home.
I'm confused about the whole part of you giving your gf a free pass to cheat on you?
To add the that she seems to be trying to guilt trip you using her sexuality wtf?
This whole situation is a mess, you need to have a long chat and find some common ground or this relationship will implode…
Chlamydia can be transmitted through contact with infected bodily fluids such as semen or vaginal fluids. This can happen if infected fluids come into contact with the eyes, mouth, or other mucous membranes. It can potentially be transmitted through sharing of personal items, such as towels or underwear, that have come into contact with infected bodily fluids. However, this is rare.
You're disgusting.
Keep the texts / proof. Go talk to a divorce attorney, stay strong brother, sorry you’re going through this.
Well, stop picking up after her.
And let her know that if she doesn't start pulling her weight that you're gonna leave.
What, exactly, does she bring to the table anyways?