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Slutforcummmlive sex stripping with Live HD


11 thoughts on “Slutforcummmlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. It sounds like your trust issues and resentment are being triggered by seeing him. Has he expressed remorse for how your relationship ended? Have you? If he has you blocked as well, hurt probably went both ways. It sounds like to move forward you two need to have communication and bring healing to the relationship as a whole. If that’s not possible it’s probably best that you remove yourself from it entirely to stop triggering yourself.

    Just my blunt advice.

  2. This is not okay. He is essentially courting her when in reality she should be a nobody to him. If she needs comfort then her family or REAL friends will take care of it.

    You need to act fast here and put your foot down. He is acting a fool and you need to tell him. You do not accept this kind of behaviour.

  3. This happened to my mother ???? I got a fat ass check from SS at 25 because of this. She will be playing “catch up” until she dies lol

  4. Look up the case of Cheryl Araujo. She was gang-raped by four men at a tavern in 1983 while patrons apparently watched and did nothing to intervene. She was later ostracized by her own community.

    With all due respect, a lot of your statements on this post are coming off as extremely ignorant to the realities women face every day. I really encourage you to work on educating yourself. I'm not trying to bash you, but it's really important that you learn about the realities women face.

  5. Get out now.

    You shouldn't being do this much and “changing your entire lifestyle” for a woman you've only been with/known for 2 months.

    She doesn't have to put in any effort because she's got a built in nanny/maid/. You're doing it all, playing a role you deff shouldn't be playing this early, and she's taking full advantage of that.

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