Sthpania the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Sthpania, 18 y.o.


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Date: December 1, 2022

6 thoughts on “Sthpania the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I'm speaking from a very similar situation to you, except I'm the one who made the mistake here.

    Don't stay with this person, please save your mental health and put your time and energy into someone who truly values you.

  2. I would have a follow up conversation about the wedding financial plans. You said you make more money then him but overall what is his financial picture? Does he genuinely just not have the extra money to put aside every month towards wedding money? You guys live together so I’m sure a follow up conversation could be had on how you could both cut back on some household expenses you have now and how that money get be redirected towards a wedding fund.

  3. Hey guess what if we all had hindsight the world would be in a whole lot better place but we don’t have hindsight until it’s too late. Don’t beat yourself up because Jacob is a shitty person because he could have said “no” but he didn’t he was the one who broke your sister heart not you. Cheating is a choice not a mistake or accidental it’s takes 2 parties to cheat

  4. None of the situational “evidence” you put here proves she wasn’t also abused by him. Even calling herself a Daddy’s girl. As a trauma response, some abused children turn out to love the attention they get from their abusers.

    You said she admitted to you that she wasn’t abused, did you think to ask her why she pretends she was?

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