I don’t think you should leave him. If he wanted her he would be with her. The connections they have will reduce over time. He is in love with you. Just make sure you keep reminding him why that is. You need to show confidence in your relationship and trust in him. That will make you more powerful. If you start questioning him you will create problems and push him away.
I agree with you. You sound like a very caring partner & I hope this works out for you both.
I don’t think you should leave him. If he wanted her he would be with her. The connections they have will reduce over time. He is in love with you. Just make sure you keep reminding him why that is. You need to show confidence in your relationship and trust in him. That will make you more powerful. If you start questioning him you will create problems and push him away.
Repeat after me “No.”
Not everyone’s the same as you, you’d think a 28 year old would be a bit more self aware
Glad you agree! The sooner you get to shit on their lives and move on with your own the better. Cheaters deserve this kind of punishment
It was probably not either of those things. And look, even if those were an issue, what he did is still unacceptable and rude as hell.
This would be a marriage ender for me. 32 weeks, the baby should be the priority.
A female friend should be very, very uncomfortable about traveling with someone who has a heavily pregnant spouse. A