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29 thoughts on “Testix1live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Thank you so much for the comment and advice! I’m attempting to map out what I’m going to say to him and the best time to approach him with this, because of it being such a heavy thing.

  2. You’re simping very hot af and she’s never ever gonna break anything off for you because you are simping. She’s fucking you everytime you do something nice or say something nice and you never get to fuck her which is why you’re doing those things. If you don’t have a plan for the two of you then why even pursue her really? Like what do you want with her in the grand scheme? If you knew that you would have had an answer when she asked “what can I do to prove bla bla” instead of saying nothing and showing you have no leadership skills for her to rely on. It’s a whole ass mess bro, but there’s some good lessons here

  3. You sit her down and now really carve expectations that if she’s late, there will now be major consequences. If she’s late for a movie date with you, go inside and sit down to watch without her. If she’s late for a family gathering and you’re her ride, you tell her she has a last 10-15 minute warning before you start the car and leave without her.

    She needs to understand quickly that you’re not her hand maid and will be there on HER TIME. She’s disrespectful of your time and other peoples’, she now has to see how that actually impacts her relationships with you and others.

    If she doesn’t care and makes no effort to change, you have to make a decision to really see if this relationship is worth you staying a part of or to leave behind.

  4. Ehhh I feel like this is a little too precious a comment, especially given that OP has clearly stated that the alternatives described are not satisfactory. It would be unreasonable of her to LITERALLY kick him out, like actually prevent him from physically being there, but trying to find a compromise w her partner so that a need of hers can be met is a perfectly fair way to go about this

  5. Wether your wife likes it or not, your ex will always be part of your life. Her not feeling secure is something she needs to work on. Asking you to cut contact to your ex and the mother of your older children is unreasonable.

  6. Hard disagree about public tears. There are situations where you absolutely can’t hold back. You may be embarrassed about crying in front of people, but some people aren’t ashamed of their sensitivity or expressing their emotions. It’s not necessarily a bad thing.

  7. I can empathize with having parents with old-fashioned ideals, but at some point your mom is going to need to accept that a) you're an adult and b) literally no one is going to care besides her. I really doubt your colleagues are going to think twice about two adults who are dating sharing a room, and since you're an adult I don't see how anyone is going to judge your mother for “letting” you do something that she has no control over.

    I think it's time you have a conversation with your mother about boundaries, let her know you don't want to feel like you have to hide things from her but also tell that her judgement isn't going to change your behavior and that you'd appreciate her trying to be supportive of your independence instead of trying to hinder it.

  8. I can empathize with having parents with old-fashioned ideals, but at some point your mom is going to need to accept that a) you're an adult and b) literally no one is going to care besides her. I really doubt your colleagues are going to think twice about two adults who are dating sharing a room, and since you're an adult I don't see how anyone is going to judge your mother for “letting” you do something that she has no control over.

    I think it's time you have a conversation with your mother about boundaries, let her know you don't want to feel like you have to hide things from her but also tell that her judgement isn't going to change your behavior and that you'd appreciate her trying to be supportive of your independence instead of trying to hinder it.

  9. Oh this is a sign of abuse about to develop. It’s a well known control abusive tactic. The more you do it/give in and adhere to his requests, the more controlling he will become. This is not healthy nor is it normal. I would end it

  10. You are not together very long but still needed couples therapy which is a bit concerning. You need to ask yourself if you want to stick it out and do the big goodbye or cut ties now and move on with your life. It's something only you can answer.

  11. Your hopefully soon to be ex and his friends are mentally stuck in middle school. Why is someone having a normal bodily function that entertaining for people who are around the corner from age 30? The girl probably did that weird thing because she wasn’t the only girl in the group anymore with you there and probably use to getting all their attention.

  12. Your first paragraph is probably the most important context here. This wasn't a case of her stopping anything you did, leaving, and then accusing you of doing something (or intending to). The night ended with you ending the cuddling, and then she went to bed. Pretty weird behavior for a rapist, no?

    She implies that you'd have done so if she went back to your room? I'm not sure why you were hanging out outside to begin with. Seems logical not to want to be cold.

    So I get she has trauma. She needs help to address that. But she's being dishonest when she says she's upset you made moves on her. What about the actions she took? Did she wait to do that until you were drunk?

    I obviously know you didn't force her to drink. At the end of the day here, you are logically interested in her despite knowing it's not going to happen. I think actions like this give you some hope, and that's not going to be good for you. So if you two ultimately reconcile, outside of greetings and goodbyes, there needs to be no more touching. It's unnecessary.

  13. So now we’ve established you like pimping out your wife, how many beers to spend the night whilst you watch?

  14. You didn't withhold anything important. It's entertainment. You have a heavy job and understandably want reading material that's a bit lighter when you get home. It's mind boggling that this would be an issue to anyone. This is by far the dumbest thing to get angry about.

  15. INFO:

    Why wasnt your “date”/girlfriend/partner now ex invited to this get-together? If they have met before that would be natural, wouldnt it?

    You had already given this girl friend a gift when you met her, you should be put off by her lying to you, then after that she made excuses to spend alone time with you TWICE, and neither of the two times you stopped to think if this was really a good idea?

    You mentioned in an earlier comment that you had given your “date” reassurance on multiple occasions, what kind of reassurance did you give her? -Because you also mentioned you hadnt defined your relationship with her, and that doesnt sound like reassurance to me.

    What did you do when your “date” came to collect her stuff? What did your friend do when your “date” came to collect her stuff??

    Also, if you let your “date” know you were celebrating this girls birthday, and also gave her a gift, she could easily have checked facebook to find out that YOU (from her perspective) lied to her. That alone would put her off, and seeing as you haven't dated for long, she probably didnt care enough to ask you why you lied. Did you explain to your “date” that your friend lied to you? And if yes, why did you continue to hang out with her?

    It sounds like your friend has actively attempted (and succeeded) at breaking up a potential relationship for you. How does that make you feel? (You also need to take responsibility for not putting a stop to this)

  16. Embarrassment works wonders.

    Alternately, buy an air horn. Whenever she looks in, blast it and yell no. Also can be rigged to go off whenever she items your door.

  17. Oh, I would text him, just to tell him what a crazy intrusive controlling nosy female dog his girlfriend is. I bet she'd love to read that.

  18. You’re correct if he sad enough to donate to a charity just to have a connection with her yes he would. Seems he hasn’t changed though still a bad listener & poor communicator, so the ex still wouldn’t want him. I’m trying to figure out why OP does.

  19. I sympathize with you because you didn’t get to choose those relationships as a child, but I am jealous of your dad… I honestly don’t even care for my kids to have any sort of close relationship with my in-laws .. they are all adults who think it’s funny to fart on one another. Ughh obviously I won’t forbid relationships but I did have to make a “take your farts to the bathroom” rule for our house.

  20. Since when was having a preference/boundary controlling?

    Start preparing for single life

    I suggest you hop back on Tinder as soon as you get that face tattoo

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