Tokio-Lie live! webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Tokio-Lie live! webcams for YOU!

  1. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Throwaway for obvious reasons. Sorry for the formatting since I’m on mobile.

    My husband and I have been together for 6 years and have never had sex.

    It really bothers me and I’ve tried SO much to try and get past this but I just can’t. We’ve tried therapy, I’ve tried losing weight to get in better shape so maybe he’ll want me, but nothing changes.

    Every time I bring up the subject and want to talk about how much it bothers me that we aren’t physically intimate he gets mad and it usually ends with the same statement, “I’m sorry, I just can’t give you an answer right now.”

    He also will constantly make comments about my weight, but whenever I bring up his smoking (that he promised to quit once we got married) he’ll throw a fit and walk away from the conversation.

    I’m starting to question my self worth. No matter what I try he won’t make the effort on his end. I’ve talked to a couple of close friends and they all seem to think that he might be gay based on his mannerisms, and he’s suppressing it because he comes from a very conservative family.

    He went on a vacation with a friend of his from out of town and it seems like they had a blast without me. Renting jet skis, going out and drinking, etc. And now, he wants for this friend of his (29M) to move in with us soon. And whenever this friend of his asks him to do anything, he’ll do it without question where when I ask it’s always like pulling teeth.

    I’m just going crazy here. We also have a second wedding planned in June (first wedding was a COVID wedding) that he seems really excited about (always planning things, meeting with the coordinator, etc.) so maybe that’ll change things for the better?

    But at the same time, I don’t want a second wedding if things are just going to be the same.

    I’m just at a loss of what to do and would appreciate some advice.

  2. If this is real, I have a nude time believing you could write all this out and not figure out the answer by yourself. Maybe you just needed people to speak it into truth for you. Hope it works out without much trouble as you both will be much better off in the long term – short term, too, by the sound of it.

  3. And what, you're out at an event, hanging with family and friends, doing things on social media with more and it is not rude for you to message him while he is off having time to himself?

    Screw that, this is a you issue, you got no grounds for complaint. He does, he has grounds to ask you to give him more space and stop pestering him.

  4. Just so you know if she has schizophrenia she's can't just stop meds and not take them eventually. If she does she'll slowly go back into psychosis. If that is still her plan I would not stay in this relationship.

  5. I had to be up at 5AM the next morning

    rings me for a chat and says midway through, “oh by the way friend (28M) is coming over for more games” I wasn't happy about this and said so.

    I said I won't stop her doing what she wants but if she wants to spend alone time with this guy then she shouldn't do it in my house.

    You haven't had the time or space for a proper discussion. You haven't asked her why she's so interested in spending time with him. You haven't properly explained your fears and concerns, you've just waved a rule around. Your wife doesn't need a show of strength to respect you better. You both need to understand each other. Please talk to her. Don't make accusations or tell her what things “look like.” Do tell her how her actions made you feel. Do tell her your fears. Try to use “I feel” statements. Try not to make statements about what her actions “must” mean.

  6. Disgusting, your boyfriend is a damn predator. At your age, could you imagine dating a 17 year old? There was a reason women his age wouldn't date him and he went for someone inexperienced and naive.

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