My original post from a year ago.
I just found this account so if anyone cares, here’s an update.
We are weeks from our official divorce. It was a deal breaker for and a lack of care for my personal and mental well-being a new a disrespect towards what I’d given up to have our children. I couldn’t get over it. He kept trying to pretend it wasn’t as bad as it was, but inevitably much like you all said, it was his choice. And this was mine.
I am unfortunately considering filing some sort a restraining order however as he had been making accounts to ‘talk sense into me’ through most of my socials.
I actually hadn’t reread my post in a year and got to the end and had a good laugh, I am actually currently dating a lovely woman. It’s only been a few weeks but we knew each other her from college, and just reconnected a month ago. It’s going very slow, I have twins but she’s been a saint honestly, to come back to my posts topic, It is lifechanging for my stress to know that she cannot get me pregnant, not that we been very intimate yet.
Anyway, not sure anyone cares but there it is. I’m in a much better place than I was, I feel better. My twins are happy. And we’ve been co-parenting decently well other than the social media thing.