Date: October 17, 2022
So is being a judgmental virgin.
I can't believe you talk so much shit about spreading misinformation and then say this? No state can enforce their laws in other states. Certain states even have laws that defend abortion in their own state from legal action from others.
Can you provide evidence of the “can” and “have”?
You're clearly not happy with him but rather than just being direct and telling him flat out you want absolutely zero contact and setting a boundary, you're just giving him 1 word answers, how is that not passive aggressive? It doesn't even sound like you told him why you're mad at him, or at least he may know but you haven't confirmed it. At least that's the impression I get.
Clearly, telling him you don't want to be friends wasn't being understood as: “never speak to me or even look in my direction EVER again”. Words would accomplish that, you just aren't using the right ones. That's fine I'm not saying you absolutely have tear into the dude. But just be more clear with what you want.
If other people are around I get that it's embarrassing, but if you think giving curt 1 word answers isn't passive aggressive, it is. Also if you think that other people don't notice things like that, they probably do unless they're clueless. So stop worrying about what other people think, it's already too late anyways.
If you have a problem with somebody that you're unable to block due to being irl… tell them you have an issue and set a boundary in plain english. State that you don't ever want to speak to them ever again if that's what you want.
Not all people understand body language or 1 word answers and indirectness. That's why it's so important in situations like this to be crystal clear otherwise it'll just keep happening. Especially when you know it'll bother you. Once the boundary is set and the boundary is broken, you take further action.
Maybe he will eventually give up, but what about next time? There's really no benefit in being vague when you specifically want the person to avoid you like the plague. ? Maybe the dude is just dumb, without knowing him it's hard to tell if he's a malicious or not but I do hope it all works out for you.
OP comes across as very self focused in this post. It was their fiancé‘s engagement/proposal too. What were their dreams? OP makes no mention of taking their wants into consideration. They talk a lot of their dreams but nothing about what their partner may have wanted.
Thank you. I was thinking the same exact thing.
How is what she did not worse? Even you admit that the reason the statement is bad is because you assume he meant something bad, not because it’s bad to say at all. He didn’t say anything about something he knew she was insecure about, didn’t attack her purposefully.
Attack isn’t the right word, but “belittling” is the right word for him saying “huh mens and womens soccer is different?”
I'm figuring now that leaving him to his therapy and taking space is the best idea
Do you live! in a perfect world where relationships never have problems? No?
Then no. He loves house wife, and committed for like. That doesn't mean he can't be frustrated about certain aspects, and talk to his friends about it.
Seriously, grow up.
You need a face to face (even via FaceTime) conversation. Be open and honest and sober
You could say “hey when in doubt, hug. It’s always welcome.
I don’t like a partner testing another partner. His inquisitiveness can be addressed by just asking. Honestly he sounds like he will be authoritarian.
He's right in taking care of your body, as a person with eczema as well, taking multiple showers isn't good for you. With that he needs to back off and acknowledge that you have a legitimate medical condition. There's alot of misogynistic energy coming from what he says as well, but that's something to nip at the bud and be confronted with non tolerance, a relationship is equal on all parts not just the “suggested” parts for one.