Vicky / https://onlyfans.com/vicky_steffens, https://vicky_steffens.manyvids.com, 28 y.o.
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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Vicky / https://onlyfans.com/vicky_steffens, https://vicky_steffens.manyvids.com
Date: October 15, 2022
You think you’re going to get sympathy here when you were almost 30 going after an 18 year old?
Volunteering is the way to go. There will be other kind-hearted people there.
I wouldn’t want my girlfriend to go to the party and I’d tell her she could go, but if she goes, then we are done.
And I’d keep my word if she goes.
It’s called setting a boundary and it’s the mature thing to do. You can’t control another person but you can control yourself.
If she goes, she’s disrespecting you and your relationship. And you have to respect yourself or she’s going to walk all over you.
I would probably do this but inform him that if he doesn't pick them up by X time that you'll be leaving his stuff outside. That way he can't say he wasn't warned.
With such a casual reason for the breakup you can't be mad he casually had sex after the breakup.
Everything you say sounds like you are too young and experienced to understand why the age gap is a problem and so an older man found a young woman to manipulate and has moved into emotionally abusing.
You are constantly try to fix things. You are constantly trying to figure out why you aren't good enough. Every discussion ends up with him being more distant. You ask for help and he makes you feel bad. He tells you that you are too emotional and you believe him.
Does this man have empathy? Because you have it. You care about how tired he is and how stressed and overworked he is. Every time you have a discussing about you (the pregnant one) needing help…..he has zero empathy and just complains that he is tired and overworked.
You ask us how you can make him understand or how to approach him differently so he would actually care about you.
Please get a therapist. You don't see what you have described. He is selfish and no amount of explaining or seducing is going to make him have empathy.