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Wild_energylive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


8 thoughts on “Wild_energylive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I got halfway through this to just realize you're a cunt, implying you empathize but then don't understand, honey that's just called patronizing.

  2. I am also embarrassed that my daughter will see me as a weak man who couldn't conquer his issues.

    Ur stating this like u can see into the future and this is fact.

  3. You will NEVER resolve this until you ask HER what is bothering her.

    With the way your comments are written it is all me, me, me… do you actually care about what is causing her issue or is all that you care about the fact that you are not getting sex?

  4. Do you know his annual income? How much is his mother making that she can reliably pay for ren, and does she have access to the account? How much in interest is he paying? Paying off debt is extremely very hot, and some people really are better at budgeting than others. Especially if their income isn't that great. If you really want to start a life with him, maybe offer to help. Show him how you budget and the steps you took to have a higher credit score, tips on how to pay off his debt.

    You're bf isn't the enemy, he needs your support and I'm sure he's just as frustrated about it, at this point, as you are.

  5. If it hasn't happened yet it's only a matter of time. Your gf is being super disrespectful and at the very least having sexual conversations with them and at the worst she's already done it and will continue to do so until she's busted. Get ahead of it and either demand she come clean and show you everything and cut off contact with them both or kick her ass to the curb and never look back. Good luck.

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