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8 thoughts on “window_girllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The “You won’t survive without me” and “You can’t cope alone” statements are textbook abuse.

    Get out, thrive and go no contact.

  2. You're either very naïve or are deliberately trying to minimise your actions because you know you fucked up.

    So you went out in a group of 4, where you were the only female, and none of the other males were your bf, until 4.30 am. Do you really think that was the wisest thing to do?

    You want my honest opinion. Ok, you'll get it, but I don't think you're going to like it. I think whatever you do, you're screwed.

    If you don't tell your boyfriend and he later finds out, he's going to think the reason you didn't tell him is because you cheated.

    If you do tell him the whole story then he's going to think more went on than what you're saying and he'll think you cheated.

    If you do tell him anything, I'd just tell him the bare minimum, no mention of the other guy being in the same bed and him spooning you. I'm not saying to lie. Don't say that you were alone in the bed. Just tell him that you slept in one of the beds in the place. Except of course, your bf will probably ask for more details, so then you'll be in the same boat.

    And either way I hardly think he's going to be happy to learn that you were out until the early hours of the morning with 3 guys and went home with one of them. When he told you to go out and experience more things, I'm sure he meant with both male and female friends, and in neutral, non-threatening settings, during normal hours.

    So tl;dr? I would tell your bf the whole story and hope that he believes you that nothing happened between you and this other boy, but be prepared that he'll break up with you.

    Oh, and this boy at whose house you stayed at? Cut off contact with him. That'll help prove to your bf that he means nothing to you.

  3. Hmm, it's a tough one. Have you travelled together before? She's already said she'd feel like she'll owe you if you did a nice holiday, let alone a beautiful ring! The difficult thing is that it's uncommon for people that feel this way get over it in decades, let alone hours.

    Also, rules of success are 2 years together and 2 months constantly living together. Let her see your lows, and you her lows to ensure both can be there for each other for a longer time!

  4. Yeah. I hear a lot of excuses and that's probably exactly what she's tired of hearing as well. Once women grow up, we realize that unless a husband is putting in his fair share of work in the home and the relationship, he's nothing but dead weight and we get tired of dragging it around. If you want to keep your wife as your wife, I suggest you hustle your ass to make good things happen for her and show her you aren't just 250 lbs of whiny man who only adds to her problems.

  5. I'm sorry but a person who won't see you in daylight unless you're out of town isn't your boyfriend. He may very well have a girlfriend, but it's not you.

  6. If it was possible to just “switch off” my OCD, I simply would never have it switched on in the first place. The fact that he would even suggest that he can switch it off is hilarious. OCD is literally being so obsessed with something, that you can’t just stop thinking about it. If you’re able to just stop thinking about the intrusive thought, it’s not OCD.

    Your boyfriend has been lying to you and manipulating you. Get out.

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