♡ ELI ♡ the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


♡ ELI ♡, 18 y.o.


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♡ ELI ♡ live! sex chat

Date: September 27, 2022

34 thoughts on “♡ ELI ♡ the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. This sounds abusive as all hell. I’ve been through something like this (no kids though) and I wish you would leave. You’ll likely be granted child support and the most time with your kids. Get out or this hatred will eat you alive every day. Your kids will feel it as well.

  2. So…. You started dating him at 18, got pregnant within a year and then got married to him by 20? Yeah that sounds healthy….

  3. They truly are. I knew someone in the 90's who was positive and was taking something like 30 pills a day, it did a crap job of lowering his viral load (he had bad skin infections because his immune system was so weak that it couldn't handle them), and the side effects were terrible.

  4. Be careful what you wish for. You get to have your cake and eat it too, but you'll likely be doing so as a divorcee next Christmas.

  5. Hello /u/pakdentist,

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  6. First, these people are not your friends. Second, your friend that just came out has her preference and that’s great, but you also have your preference and that’s great too. Your friends are being very bigoted against you. There’s a double standard here: her sexuality trumps yours. That’s so so wrong! This is not homophobia, this is you simply stating your sexual preference. And even if you had the same preference as your friend who is to say you would date her specifically!? You can say no to dating someone for ANY reason and you don’t need to explain yourself.

    If the school doesn’t care, speak to your parents or any trusted adult who will take steps to protect you. This is absolutely hideous and you need adult help.

  7. It also sounds like this rule is causing gossip anyways, so I’m really not sure what it’s accomplished.

  8. She might have been honest. Nobody can read her mind. Just move on. It was two months. You’ll be perfectly fine.

  9. Hi OP, my abusive ex treated me fairly similarly and I can say that how he treats you is emotionally abusive. He should not be berating or belittling you; if his first reaction to you two having a disagreement is to put you in the wrong and speak down to you, he needs help (but not from you.) No matter how you respond to him, he finds a way to take it negatively and make you the person responsible for all the problems; he’s using you as a scapegoat or proverbial punching bag.

    He also may be trying to neg you- my ex would routinely tell me what my problems and failings were and compare me to others. I did better than her in school, but she would still constantly call me “stupid”. If your bf is in any way like her, then he’s incredibly insecure and uses this to put other people down as a way of making him look better in comparison. He needs to go to therapy, but I doubt he’ll ever admit he’s the problem to start.

  10. If you assume something is wrong every time a partner doesn’t want sex, that is not healthy and will almost certainly make them feel pressured to not say no.

  11. Honestly I am ok, I know if I had the chance to sleep with 5 girls as a once night stand I would right. So why would I be mad that she did. I guess because I have not had the opportunity, sex is very important to me by default, and to her its more casual so sex is more important to me. And she really offered TMI with the 10 inch thing. Idk what she was thinking but thats not cool.

  12. We all have the capacity for good and evil. It's the choices we make that determine who we are.

    Your daughter has been raised with love and has demonstrated that she makes her life choices with compassion

  13. Exactly. Since it shouldn’t be a huge thing I’m willing to work and do that, but I expect her to try to understand me like I try to understand her. So we’ll see if she does, otherwise there’s no future at all

  14. Maybe he is just one of those men who don't connect with other men?

    I'm in the reverse. I'm a woman who just cannot connect with other women but connect well with men. Not romantically, just in a way I don't connect with women. I have no idea why, but it's just a fact.

  15. Yep. I’m the scapegoat and my sibling is the golden child. OP, I’m telling you: take the hit from your family and go to your graduation. Go to the wedding reception or the brunch the day after or rehearsal dinner or something. You’ve earned this. They can’t make you go, and if they can’t recognize the importance of your graduation that’s on them, not you.

  16. My fiancés little sister is graduating high school on our wedding day. He told her to go to her graduation. People that care about you will encourage you to choose yourself over them.

  17. So…I don’t know this particular man. But I do know a lot of men who were implicitly taught from birth not to ever worry about household tasks because there was always a woman around doing those tasks for them. And most of those men, when confronted by their wives about not helping absolutely agree that they should pull their weight. But….with a lifetime of the brain never learning to pay attention to these things, the inertia pulls them right back into old habits.

    And I kind of get it because I think or everything I’ve tried to change in my life —healthy eating, exercise, medication, heck right now I’m just trying to drink more water—and it’s really REALLY very hot to make it stick even with the best of motivations.

    Now like I said—I don’t know this man and he might just not give a shit. But to the question of what can counseling do: 1. Provide enough of a shock to the system ( oh shit she really might leave me for this), to shake loose some of that inertia and 2. Provide some systems, tools, and accountability for actually making a change that sticks.

  18. Man I am really good at taking care of reptiles, but I have killed every single plant I’ve ever had (which is a lot) except for an aloe and one tiny succulent. Apparently to plants I’m literally less nurturing than the desert, which is weird because I’ve had four thriving high maintenance desert animals. I just don’t really get plants.

  19. No, his wife didn't communicate & used this excuse to abuse him. I wouldn't want to hang out with OP's wife either.

    And they were skiing in most likely puffy silly outfits. ?

  20. I don’t disagree with what you said. I just wish people would stop bringing up the salary. After taxes and the cost of living, it’s really not that much where we are from. We’re like middle class, which is a blessing. But we’re not living it up by and means lol

  21. you’re dating a controlling 46 year old moron. have an ounce of self respect and leave this loser.

  22. not like i got pregnant just like that, we were settled up and it just happened and for us the baby was more than welcome…

  23. Depends, do you want to make choices for your life based on what others think you should do and how you will be judged? Or do you want to choose a path that is true to who you are and will make you happy?

  24. Honestly it sounds like he's using you financially so he can become a legal resident. How exactly has he changed your life for the better?

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