♥ MEGAN ♥ ? 28 September the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


♥ MEGAN ♥ ? 28 September, 20 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms ♥ MEGAN ♥ ? 28 September

♥ MEGAN ♥ ? 28 September online sex chat

Date: September 27, 2022

27 thoughts on “♥ MEGAN ♥ ? 28 September the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Everything the ex said to OP indicates that he considered the new girl to be a girlfriend, he just hadn’t asked her yet.

    Even if new girl didn’t feel the same way and may have turned him down, OP’s ex shows that clearly he can’t restrain himself and only thinks with his lower brain.

  2. Girl, here's the very big (slightly morbid, depending on your perspective) picture: you will both die some day and none of this will ultimately matter.

    Now, whether he regrets it or not while he's alive depends on a lot of factors, most importantly how he is as a person. If he realizes what a complete arsehole he became, he might regret it. He might also just die an arsehole, never introspecting and living a shallow ass life. I know some people in show biz, and people like your ex who sell their souls for success, almost always regret it at some point in their life. Material stuff only brings you so much happiness after a point, and being surrounded by people you don't know are there for your money and fame, or truly care for you breaks people internally. If he didn't/couldn't hold on to his true self at least in his private life, that man is gonna regret what he did at some point. Whether he regrets leaving you or not – idk. But he will most likely regret who he became.

    Give yourself time to heal and get back to your own life. The best revenge is to move on. It fucking sucks that it happened. You didn't deserve that. Not like this. No one does. Based on your post though, I have no doubt you're gonna kick ass in life. I mean you have a much bigger perspective of the situation and not everyone in your situation does…not until years later in many cases. At least some part of your brain is realizing how fucking ridiculous this situation is and wants to laugh it off [honestly I love this.]. You sound like a fucking dope person.

    Laugh it off. Hire a good divorce lawyer, and get the money owed to you for all the financial and non-financial support you provided him when he wasn't as successful. That's your right. Don't take the high road here when it comes to this.

  3. please stop trying to turn what your very stressed and anxious boyfriend said into a whole thing when it's not. Breathe. He is worried about the future in general, all possible versions of all possible futures. Get out of this thought spiral you're in.

  4. Pursuit would not even be a possibility unless things between Riley and I don’t work out. I don’t intend on sabotaging what I have, I just want to stop feeling the way I do. All three of those quotes resonate with me, I get where you’re coming from.

    Thanks for your response.

  5. Is there something I should do? I feel like it's up to her to make that choice to connect since she's been the person pushing me away.

  6. Hello /u/Dianasurrealove,

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  7. I on-line out of state but he visits my sister who has two preteen girls She trust my brother…they are close

  8. Idk how you guys are going to claim she is a terrible person, toxic, childish, etc, when you don’t know her at all. She probably grew up in a house hold where money was tight. But your first response is to insult some random lady just because she is worried about her husband not having a job.

    I have seen people get laid off and after that refuse to work because they think they are to good for any job, so there definitely would be a reason to worry. OP doesn’t sound like that but it’s a bad mindset to have. And making some money is better than no money.

  9. Totally agree with you. But the thing is now ik that my feelings for her friend is true and i know it's stupid but i wanna confess my feelings to her friend.

  10. that doesn’t sound healthy. She wants 100% communication of where you are and what you’re doing?

    What even led to this?

  11. This is not normal for someone who has moved on and he is not starting a life with you. His other family is the priority, you are what we call the New Supply. A man who dates someone before separating from the old one picks a new person to use as back up in case the old supply really moves on. She probably caught him lying and kicked him out. He is behaving like he is trying to earn his way back into his old relationship but he already baby trapped you just in case

  12. It’s called using your skills to get out of a sticky unsafe situation. She’s butthurt about you taking her out of the situation but like it’s for obvious reasons

  13. Just generally speaking, people in committed relationships shouldn't be going to clubs to mingle with single people. Your either in or out. If someone isn't ready for commitment fine… but don't fake that you want to be committed.

    In your scenario she showed you major disrespect and manipulation. You did the right thing since she wasn't committed to you.

    As for her crying like a 4 year old and sending messages… tell her to enjoy her life clubbing and leave you alone or the police will be involved.

  14. Perfectly capable of going long distance. For wider awareness, I wanted to be enaged some years ago and “let that go” because of my mental health and to not put a time pressure on our relationship. I've pushed back the age to get married several times, but now we've been together EIGHT years I feel like we must be nearing that point. If he can't decide after 8 years, then what's to say he will ever decide?

    Imagine being in a new job, and your probation period keeps getting pushed back for various reasons to the point you've been in the job 8 years. Surely they must have enough info to know if they want to keep you on?

    To note, my boyfriend isn't perfect either, but I still would marry him knowing he plans to work on his flaws. I dont need to wait for him to be “perfect” before I decide that.

  15. Thank you, I just wish it didn’t hurt so bad to know the love isn’t what it used to be. For me nothing has changed, but it’s just barely there on her end. I know that if I push her to stay, it’ll only driver her further away. It’s the 7 years that just gets to me

  16. What would I do?…. Put my health first to prevent another stroke.

    This dude is the least of your problems. Ghost him and start living your life. You have way bigger fish to fry. Your life is on the line right now with this stroke and emotional distress. A lot of people cannot grasp that stress kills. This is too very hot on your body. Ghost him because your life depends on it.

    Mourn your father, go through the grieving process so you can heal properly and work on your health. Get therapy.

    33 is too young to be having strokes.

  17. This x100! My husband and I have always subscribed to us against the world mentality. We aren’t perfect but we don’t doubt each other after we talk about something.

    Either your fiancé is not mature enough for marriage or she’s just not ready for that kind of relationship.

  18. They stopped talking. Per him after fooling around with her he felt something was wrong about them and he just wanted be friends with her. The girl disappeared from his life and eventually got married. He didn’t block her. She is in his FB. After we got married they still didn’t talk. But he did wish her on her birthday on FB saying ‘Happy Birthday xxxx ❤️❤️’ and now this. Now he has blocked her after all this. But my mind just keep thinking what was his motive to call her when you have everything right going on in your relationship. I did ask him if there’s anything wrong in our relationship and he said no. But when he gets drunk things become ugly. He says things like he is not satisfied physically. We are not having good sex and all that. But when I ask about this when he is sober he just denies and says there’s nothing wrong.

  19. That's the thing, it kind of came out of nowhere we were just chatting and she just said it, you know?

    Well, thanks for the help!

  20. OP is not one of those people.

    You're judging the husband's action on how YOU feel about, not OP. OP clearly doesn't like it and has significant trauma linked to it. It is op's boundary.

    If husband wants to go enooy strip clubs, then he married the wrong woman. He is emotionally abusing her to be comfortable with his actions. That's not a boundary.

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