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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ?????? ???? ⭐️ onlyfans.com/miss_stellarose

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Date: September 28, 2022

32 thoughts on “?????? ???? ⭐️ onlyfans.com/miss_stellarose the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. u/Resident-Matter-3141, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. This is an easy one. You handle this by closing up shop if he won't wear a condom or pay half of whatever birth control you might choose as an alternative. (Putting hormones into your body is not to be undertaken lightly.)

  6. If you are emotionally abusive why is he still with you lol, no need to ask for an open relationship, better ask for a break up.

  7. You did something you said you wouldn't do. So you demonstrated you can't be trusted. She's right to be mad that you showed you cannot be trusted to keep your word.

  8. You have been groomed and abused since you were practically a child. Get out before your child is his next victim.

  9. i feel like things have just recently gone down hill and this is his way or trying to make me leave which i’ll admit i am attached i’ve been with him since i was 18. but why is he saying that to me? is it something i did to provoke him to start saying this ?

  10. It sounds like you already know what you need to do. His previous commitment issues don't really seem relevant to the issue at hand. You know your relationship isn't emotionally fulfilling, and the only reason you want to stay is because you've been together for 6 years. That isn't a good enough reason for a relationship – look up the sunk cost fallacy if you've never heard of it.

    Honestly, it just sounds like you two have grown apart over the last 6 years. It isn't about the previous infidelity, it's just something that happens sometimes. You need to think about where you hope to be in life in another 6 years and decide if he actually fits into that plan. If he doesn't, then it's in both of your best interests to go your separate ways so you can go find what does make each of you happy

  11. There are all sorts of people I don't want to fuck. I don't hate them, I just don't want to fuck them. Get your head out your ass.

  12. Yea, it’s not like she went snooping purposely to hear. If my husband sat outside the door of the room I was sleeping in & talking about me, I would expect him assume at some point, I may hear what he’s saying.

    So my view here is either he did it on purpose or was just ignorant to the fact that she could hear him if she woke up when he sat right outside the door.

  13. It seems pretty clear to me – she scolded you in her text because she cheated on your dad.

    It is up to you to decide what to do next. You can “agree” with her not to do the test, you can confront her, or you can share everything with your dad. I'd suggest to talk to a trusted adult, maybe a counselor, even the most level headed friend.

    Consider that it will definitely hurt your dad if you let him know. But it would be an absolute betrayal for him if he will finds it out by himself and if he finds out that you knew. In this case you will lose him 100%

  14. i was given permission to drive the car, we are under a little financial stress… actually a lot. hes been really stressed out lately. i was not drunk or high when i hit the other guy. im wondering if his reaction isn’t because of the wreck but because of external stress :/

  15. Let’s back up and talk about the fight that led to this. What was it about? What did you say?

  16. She needs serious psychiatric help. You should break up with her. Once you break up with you, I encourage you to seek therapy because the incident you describe sounds pretty traumatic and you might need help working through it.

  17. her BF said “hey babe, I want you to fuck another dude” and he said that to her for YEARS and then right when it was about to happen he said “lol nvmd”

    maybe she's moody because he's apparently been lying to her for years

  18. With that mindset, how do you even let them leave your sight?

    I mean do you know how many dicks can be sucked in the time it takes to bring the garbage can to the curb? Did you watch her head to the mailbox, because she may have fucked three of the neighbors in that amount of time.

    Jesus Christ people are crazy.

    If you don't trust a partner to have dinner with a friend, try maybe not having a partner and working on yourself or who you choose to be in a relationship with

  19. The two of you have different ideas of what shared means. If you are helping pay for the car it is “our” car. That said, if you were okay with how things were being paid for there was no reason for you to throw that in her face. Some couples, even married, have separate accounts for what they want and a joint account for shared expenses. Nothing wrong with that and might be best for you.

  20. I'm always sad when I see these stories as I know how much damage both financially and emotionally the effect is on the kid

    I'm sorry to say you learned too young that one of both of your parents are actually shitty human beings that see their children as their own personal piggy bank to raid

    Nearly every time one/both of the parents is utterly financially incompetent and also see others as the solution to those problems

    That means most kids like you come back on here years later telling others that they no longer have anything to do with their parent

    Money : you wont see this again, normal parents will break their back to put cash back into their kids pockets if an emergency arose

    The cash grab on you was not an emergency meaning your primary value now is $ to them

    I've had leeches in my extended family like your mom that see money kids had as fair game, they never pay it back, only ask for more

    As an adult I despise this type of parent but you're too young and close to see why you should just cut them off without losing a second of sleep

    If it's bad now imagine what it will be like if retirement age is closing and there is fuckall in the pot, you dont want to be around for that event, I've seen the levels of guilt tripping put on kids by people that use kids for cash

  21. Weird to call it a girls trip regardless of who is saying it. Her gay friends are still men, not girls. It's clearly a mixed vacation.

  22. Yeah, I think responding to physical violence with lesser physical violence is appropriate.

    Should he have just taken the hit and done nothing?

  23. I know. I know it was even stupid to entertain the conversation to begin with, he just came at me with this incredibly different energy and I was taken aback and curious. But now I’m just kind of over the whole thing. I obviously would be upset if I hurt him by dating his coworker but at the same time I feel like I deserve to be happy and move on with my life at this point.

    And this new guy seems REALLY great. I didn’t tell him right away because I didn’t want the fact that we both knew this person to influence us getting to know each other. They’re also both in the military and I was afraid of the judgement that would come with it because there can be stigma around girls who have a tendency to date military men. ?

  24. I’m willing todo anything to allow her to be the happiest person in the world.

    Except cooking amd appreciating her efforts.

    Well… what can I say…

    The bullied became a bully.

  25. Someone doesn't have to be asexual to not have a huge interest in sex, especially sex outside of marriage if they're of a religious bent. So talk to her but don't start assigning an orientation to her. She may be inexperienced, fearful or any number of other things that don't mean she's incapable of feeling sexual attraction. She may just not be that into you. You'll never know until you have the conversation.

  26. I haven’t tried directly contacting her yet. I’m a bit intimidated, but this seems like it may be my only option.

  27. Yup. And if she pays everything to get them their own place, he's just going to switch his mooching from his parents to her, because he has no financial maturity. Or maybe any maturity

    …we on-line with his parents and he wants to move out first.

    …I’ve been saving. He doesn’t save anything and is usually broke by the end of the week. So I don’t see him making an effort to move out. I feel like its all on me to get us out of his parents home.

    OP…please believe the people here, many people who have lived what you're living right now. You are smart, you are responsible, you are young. You can do better than this guy.

  28. The title also says ex-wife. It could disprove that aspect, and the rest of the story/their credibility should fall apart from there.

  29. Wow. There is a lot of toxic hate coming for you right now op, I’m sorry for that. I think I’ll probably take some flak here but I feel I need to speak up. Love is complicated. People like to pretend affairs are black and white, always wrong. But it’s not that simple. Yes it destroys lives and hearts, but people who have affairs are not irredeemable monsters doomed to never know true love again. People who think that have probably been very hurt by someone who they loved and trusted, so I understand that feeling, but it isn’t true. People are complex, it’s not as simple as “once a cheater always a cheater”. So I understand that you fell in love with this man who made mistakes, and you are not wrong or stupid to trust him like some of these people are trying to tell you. However. This woman clearly has a hold on your partner and you have been caught in the middle. If I were you, I would consider leaving him. You set your boundary that he would not contact her, and he’s been doing it and worse, hiding it from you. What can you do now? You need to take care of yourself op, and leave. He has made his choice and can’t cut her out of his life. You will always be questioning him now. I think he needs therapy, to be honest, this seems like a toxic relationship he has with this woman. I wish you the best op. You are not a fool for loving this man, but to stay when he is crossing your clear boundary would be foolish imo.

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