the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Date: October 22, 2022

17 thoughts on “ the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Sorry, it’s probably not going to happen. 2 days without replying to any of your messages means she’s either A) not thinking about you. Or B) ignoring you on purpose.

    If you hear nothing tomorrow, call a friend to go to the movies with you instead.

    A bit of unsolicited advice: movie first dates aren’t good. It’s sitting in a dark room, not looking at one another for 2 hours, and not really being allowed to speak. It’s awkward. Instead, try an activity where there’s room to talk with one another and ask questions. Dinner and drinks, an aquarium, mini golf, etc.

  2. I don't care if someone has a degree. If they are in a good financial situation and are good with money. Moreover, if they are a good person then it shouldn't matter.

  3. This doesn't really sound exactly like polyamory or a open relationship to me. I'm not really sure what it is.

    But I think if you want a normal (I assume you mean monogamous) relationship it's not gonna be with this guy.

  4. First of all you are on a very good weight . if you ever need information if you are a good weight or not Never ask a bf/gf. just google it

  5. Then tell her that she IS burning a bridge and that bridge is the connection that you two share. By ignoring your feelings, her ex is lighting that bridge on fire and then she is covering it with petrol.

  6. God showed you his true colours now for a reason. Get out now. I'm really sorry but that's not salvageable.

  7. I swear so many of the comments on this sub is just immediately jumping to “dump them and move on”.

    I broke up with my ex last year, after a ten year relationship. We had a dog which we shared custody over. We still have a completely nonsexual, nonromantic relationship and send each other jokes or w/e on snapchat. I get that you're uncomfortable with her talking to an ex, but at the same time you seem pretty insecure and controlling by wanting her to ask your permission and snooping through her phone.

    She seems really dedicated to you, is that not enough?

  8. Just spit balling here, you could always tell him “i was talking to my parents about my memories about Russia when I was really little and they laughed at me! I thought I was born there and moved to the US when I was 4. Turns out I fabricated it all in my head! What do I do??” Although this does open up the possibility of discussing it with your parents at some point…

    Honesty is the best policy ?

  9. Document. Document. Document. File police report about harassment and get an RO. Self defense class. Mace in purse and in vehicle, don’t leave without it. Birdie personal alarm – they are loud as the dickens and set off a strobe light. Have a single word you can use to communicate to a trusted party by text or phone if you are in danger and they can alert police, that trusted person or persons should also have access to your location….like have it set on iPhone to share location 24/7 so God for bid if something bad happens, they can send the police to your location. Consider having a friend stay with you or staying at a friends house to mix up your schedule so it’s not so consistent that you could be tracked and pin it down all the time. You could also get one of those alarms for inside your house that with a push of a button makes it sound like a bunch of dogs barking so like if you get startled, you can hit a button and do that. Metal bat by bed. Put plants on window sills also – if he tries to break in, they’ll fall and alert you. Check in with friends and family when you leave/come home.

  10. Get him on child support and additional support for childcare/daycare if needed and come up with a reasonable amount for EACH child Food clothing toys and activities consider those amounts

    Map out all major school holidays and put it in writing who will have who. Organise public holidays and who will have who. Do not do child drop offs pick ups at the home work out week visitation if you have them from Monday till Thursday and have him pick them up from school Friday after school till Sunday afternoon the weekend will literally be the time your mental gets to breathe I have no advice towards dating as I'm same boat different ocean he didn't cheat but decided I wasn't the one. What he does with his life is no longer your concern who he sees is not important to you. Make sure you start loving on yourself and I believe that will radiate outwards and attract the next partner of your life. Be smart step into your masculine energy and do absolutely everything logically use your feminine to get the hurt out when you are alone and for Frick sake JOURNAL JOURNAL JOURNAL it has been my saving grace honestly

  11. Dump her you don't trust her. Nothing she said or he said implied cheating. Just raunchy banter. If I looked some of my male friends chats I would swear they were gay by the way of male on male sex jokes or genuinely hated their best friend by the way they insult each other.

    Next time go through virginity testing if a woman being untouched is so important to you.

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