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angelisa_millslive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


11 thoughts on “angelisa_millslive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. 2-3 weeks of “hanging out” on a romantic/dating level, or only 2-3 weeks of knowing each other at all?

  2. Guy here. I went through a year long breakup (tried to work things out for a year) and I definitely found the lack of sex to dramatically affect my mental.

    Most men need sex to feel like they matter to their SO. Doesn’t change no matter how old you get.

  3. Your partner wants the best for you in as many ways as possible, right? Tell him what you think is best for you, and he should agree. If you want to go back to school or get a job you enjoy, he will be supportive. If he isn't, why not? What does he get out of you not being happy?

  4. You've misinterpreted me in regards to those dynamics and what i feel is cold and sterile, but tbh my partner has come home, we talked about it and are fine so I'm deleting stuff and this convo is no longer relevant.

    I appreciate this response much more than your other 2. Have a good one

  5. Emotional or not, it is cheating. I’m sure if your wife knew all you did for Rose she would too.

    If you come clean, be prepared you will most likely will have broken your relationship. Possibly beyond repair. You need individual therapy, and if you have any desire or hope to save your marriage you need couples counseling as well. If she is willing to work through it.

    You also should take all that time and effort you took from your wife and family to give to Rose, and invest back into them.

  6. even if you did have sex with him, he’s drunk which means he can’t consent. if you went through with it then that would be considered sa ?‍♂️.

    have a sit down talk with him when he’s sober and establish some rules for intimacy

  7. Glad someone was able to say the same thing as me… Got downvoted to oblivion for calling it out for what it is

  8. You can’t be serious. (Assuming you’re in the US) Uou just reached the legal driving age, you’re really going to let your asshole BF dictate when you can go out? No.

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