PandorraX online sex cams for YOU!


PandorraX Public Chat Channel

Date: November 4, 2022

15 thoughts on “PandorraX online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Does she normally sleep with him? Or does she not want her 6 year old in a separate room in a strange place? Maybe you could compromise and find somewhere with two beds in one room?

    I wouldn’t want to sleep in the same bed as a child either. I don’t blame you. But if that’s how she parents, you may want to think how this will go beyond one vacation…

  2. Lol it was a joke about ignoring peoples pain while you have no way of knowing what they actually feel. A direct follow up to my previous point and reply.

    Why can't people comprehend everyone is different? both in pain tolerance and severity from “the same thing”.

    Sure, if you deny people's pain there is no pain.

    Not surprised by the “wooooooooooooosh” though.

  3. Her excuses are just ridiculous, and comes across strongly that she's lying.

    She brought it along in case she met someone to get laid with, and has likely done this throughout your relationship with her (she basically all but admitted this much). For me, the trust would be completely gone just from the act of bringing along a condom by itself. But refusing to tell you what went on and then making up a painfully obvious lie to cover up being caught? She's either cheating on you, or she's ready to at the drop of a hat when she goes out.

    If this happened to me, I'd end the relationship right then and there, and either move out if it's her place, or tell her to move out. OP, this will be on your mind every time she's not around you, so there's no sense in trying to pretend you'll get over it or that it was nothing. The whole thing is shady as hell. She's not trustworthy, she's not faithful, and she clearly doesn't even respect you enough to just come clean once caught. Make her your ex-girlfriend and find someone better once you've taken the time to heal from her actions and deception.

  4. Just ask you boyfriend to be direct and ask him if partners are invited.

    He may be like ‘well of course!’

    He may have only addressed your partner as he’s a fellow guy, but he’s assuming you know you’re invited too. This kind of thing happens sometimes, it’s not because the guy doesn’t like you.

  5. This argument would be an instant relationship-ender for me. There was no respect shown to you in this.

  6. Keep that woman away from your wife. Childbirth is naked enough without a narcissist creating drama. Stress can delay the birthing process putting both your wife and your baby in danger. Make sure your wife is comfortable, safe and relaxed.

  7. This is not the type of situation it’s rigged for. If anything the mother would be treated more severely in this instance than if she were the father. ”Men abandon their kids all the time that’s the way things are, but a mother abandoning her kids is a monster!”

  8. Well turns out i actually didn't read it through properly. Your feelings are completely justified if he watches very hot women live! and then comes to you to get satisfied (if that is your problem).If he's jerking off then everyone does it.Assuming it's the former issue you should talk to him tell him how you feel and ask him how he would feel if you saw some very hot guy outside, got horny and then decided to use him to get off

  9. This is true gaslighting. Blaming you for his behaviors and turning everything against you.

    Get out NOW.

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