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Hello dear, I am Emily, ⚡️Lovense is active, my orgasms in your hands⚡️ ?Give me more pleasure and make me cum? ??PVT IS OPEN, 19 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Hello dear, I am Emily, ⚡️Lovense is active, my orgasms in your hands⚡️ ?Give me more pleasure and make me cum? ??PVT IS OPEN

Hello dear, I am Emily, ⚡️Lovense is active, my orgasms in your hands⚡️ ?Give me more pleasure and make me cum? ??PVT IS OPEN live! sex chat

Date: November 5, 2022

20 thoughts on “Hello dear, I am Emily, ⚡️Lovense is active, my orgasms in your hands⚡️ ?Give me more pleasure and make me cum? ??PVT IS OPEN the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Apologies without change in behavior is manipulation. Also all the guys that say they are “logic” and women are “emotional” are a walking red flag factory plus they also react emotionally and their motives are emotional but they lie to themselves and others about this. Having emotions is a normal part of being human, we aren't robots. As others are saying, he waited until you're “trapped” with him to show his true self. Do you like his true self? Because it's never too late to leave a relationship that's not working or that's not making you feel well.

  2. Seriously. They're assuming GF wasn't capable of making her own decision and not accountable for her actions

  3. To simplify our fight, she talked about me time, privacy and stuff and said having this rule so we can practice asking permission.

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  6. That’s my New Year’s resolution ? I have terrible anxiety so yes if his friend group is making me feel uncomfortable my anxiety will be on 100 and I’ll do whatever to stop it, like dressing like them to prevent that but all it did was make me like my partner less which isn’t fair.

  7. I have to ask:

    Did you put money towards any of this?

    Do NOT let him take that money, you will never see it again.

    Look, this is the end of the relationship. It's probably good for both of you. He is obviously a coward who doesn't want confrontation, but you guys don't sounds like a good team. Don't drag this out – find a way to physically get away from him of you can.

  8. The problem is, the answer is:

    Tell her no, and stay together and make y ou two both miserable because that's the only outcome. Let her have sex with other guys and be miserable about it, resent her, and then make her miserable about it.

    What you don't seem to be getting is there is no scenario here where you two stay together happily.

  9. Tell her about it first then still propose and tell her you'll get the ring you wanted to afford when you can. Shouldn't be an issue if you've explained

  10. Now OP is the one apologizing?!? I just can not. OP, please realize this is not a normal response. This woman is not a good person, you should remove yourself from her entirely.

  11. Your edit is hilarious.

    Even without your inability to realise that to 90+% of the population would understand that exclusive means closed, you are a cheater because nowhere in this does it sound like your boyfriend agreed. No where does it look like you told him that you were going to screw this woman (e.g. healthy open relationships include this kind of conversation) and you were knowingly vague. You knew he wasn't okay with it. You knew that he never actually agreed . You didn't care because you got what you wanted. If you want an open relationship, find one.

  12. I always find it strange when people come on here to paint their other half as evil, and only explain the “fight” in terms of “she thinks this but I think that” instead of explaining what actually happened.

    You say it’s gossip and in all honesty, everyone should be allowed to have a friend to express their issues with. It helps get it out of our system. The only issue I’d have with it is if she was explaining your sex life or whatever but that does’t seem to be the case here.

    If your wife can’t talk to you, do you expect her to talk to no one about what’s on her mind?

  13. You say he is good to you because he doesn't get angry a t you, insults you or yells at you. You even find it weird that he doesn't do this? You know that it is actually the minimum not to do this? I wonder what you experienced that you think not get treated like shit is weird and makes you a good person… Maybe you just expressed yourself wrong, but if your past was really full of abuse, you need to go to therapy. Your views of how a healthy relationship should look like seems to be messed up and this can end up dangerous. Like here. You are so thankful to not get mistreated that you even overlook that he just use you.

  14. Stop contemplating whether you should stay with someone that doesn't respect you, has already violated your boundaries once (well, really he raped you by stealthing), and is begging to violate them again??

  15. What you're describing is called sexual incompatibility.

    You haven't liked this guy very much since you met him. Why are you still together?

  16. OP has absolutely zero obligation at the end of the day, but trying to dissuade her husband from taking custody of the child comes from a place of pure selfishness. She is welcome to walk away from the marriage, but she'd rather try to convince him to not adopt the child. He is also welcome to walk away from the marriage. They married on the condition of being child-free, but I'm amazed OP is seriously trying to find ways to prevent husband from taking the child in.

    That is why I'm calling her heartless. She isn't just saying “I can't care for a child, I don't have it in me”, she's also saying “send this child somewhere else”, knowing full well that the “else” is either a horrible bio dad or difficult foster care system.

  17. no you should not. and everyone should know that she cheated and that's why you broke up. cheaters should be called out for what they are.

  18. Picture this, you are in labor with your first child. A few hours in your MIL calls says she’s lonely. He drops your hand and says he’ll be back, the kid is born, he is with his mom.

    You are alone, with a kid.

    Welcome to your life.

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